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Apfeltalk leaves X/Twitter

We really didn’t make this decision lightly and that’s why it took so long, but now the time has come. Apfeltalk is leaving X/Twitter. After a really long time of successfully using this platform.

You shouldn’t always talk about the good old days, but in this case it’s definitely appropriate. Since 2008, Twitter in its original form has been a good platform for Apfeltalk to get in touch with fans and friends outside of the forum. We’ve always tried to get in touch with you, especially during our live broadcasts. We always showed you your setups before keynotes. This has become a long-running success.

We even had an LED scrolling message in the studio (which you lovingly called the Apple Band!) that you could send your tweets to. We developed the technology ourselves.

Twitter (now X) was always the direct way to contact you, even when we weren’t doing our live streams on YouTube. We also met a lot of great people through it. Some of them became friends. If we’re honest, Apfeltalk wouldn’t exist today without these people. After Jesper’s tragic death, I was able to rely on some of them and they helped both the forum and the magazine to continue to exist. At this point, a big THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed and continues to contribute to keeping things going here.

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Maybe you understand that this is why it was not so easy to leave the platform. But we do not want to be associated with a platform on which fear, hate, fake news and hate speech prevail. Quite the opposite. We and our large community stand for openness, variety and diversity. We love exchanging opinions and (constructive) discourse. That is why we are leaving X/Twitter as quickly as possible.

Of course, we are still there for you on other social media channels. You can find us on Instagram, Threads, Bluesky, Mastodon and in our WhatsApp-Channel. Also on Youtube. But first and foremost in our forum. It may seem to you that this makes Apfeltalk’s presence more fragmented. That’s true to a large extent, but if you look for us, you’ll find us, even without the X.

So now we are no longer looking back, but forward. We read, see and hear each other! 🫶🏼

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