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Apex Legends Breakout Season 20 Preview: Hero Upgrades, Armor Changes, and Thunder Arena

The 19th season of “Apex Legends” has come to an end. The upcoming 20th season “Breakout” will be launched in February. It will also celebrate the 5th anniversary of the game. This season preview The preview is indeed “yet another” breakthrough attempt by the Respawn team.

New environment in battle royale: hero upgrades and armor changes

Echoing some of the information previously leaked online, the “Hero Upgrade” system is the biggest highlight of the S20. Players can obtain evolution points in each battle and choose to upgrade their heroes, upgrade their armor classes, and unlock unique upgrade options at levels 2 and 3, such as It’s Bangalore that can be healed in smoke, Lifeline that can resurrect itself, Gibraltar that resurrects allies to restore their 40 HP, etc.

In addition, with the introduction of the hero upgrade system, armor in the battle royale is no longer a trophy and cannot be found on the ground. Instead, all heroes have their own hero armor, and the capacity will continue to increase as they upgrade.

The fuel source of the hero armor is the “shield core”, and the core contains the current shield health value. As with previous armor systems, shield cores can be swapped or dropped at any time, but fallen enemies now drop shield cores in death boxes.

Picking up a higher-level core will temporarily “overload” your armor, granting you 30 seconds of extra shield health before returning to the original armor’s capacity limit.

With the advent of major systems, synthetic collection machines have also become “evolved collection machines”. Collection opportunities will randomly appear on each battle royale map in the form of delayed start during the first circle, allowing players to have time to search for collections. Collect loot before you hit the machine. Any team member can use the Gathering Machine, which brings a lot of evolution to the entire team, but some items cannot be crafted.

In addition, there is an “evolution box” in the game, which is a new rare trophy that contains the original evolution. Collecting the evolution box can obtain the full level of the hero. Players can find evolution boxes in treasure houses and airborne supplies. If the player has reached the highest level, they cannot pick up evolution boxes.

Evolution collection machine Evolution box

The points race has changed again, RP is back

Yes, after listening to a lot of feedback from the player community, the points competition seems to have returned to the state of the S13 period. The current level requirement to participate in the points competition will be returned to 20, and the points competition will be resumed at the same time, which means that the reset of the season will also be restored.

After the launch of S20, each player will start from 1 RP (LP RIP), and there will be a quick match reset, which will drop your ranking by 6 ranks. At the end of the season on all platforms, players will receive point tier badges based on the highest level they achieved.

The battle score will be changed to focus more on kills. The kill score will continue to increase with the ranking. The value of each elimination of the opponent will increase with the higher the team’s ranking. The number of kill points a player can earn is changed to a soft cap, and the number of kill points after the 6th kill is reduced to half.

In addition, if you continuously maintain a ranking above the top 5, you will receive a RP score bonus. Each time you extend the continuous ranking record, you will receive 10 RP more than the previous game, up to a maximum of 40 RP bonus.

New mixed mode map: Thunder Arena

In addition, the rebirth team emphasized thatHiding skill ratings does not affect matchmaking or ratingsthe admission fee system was restored, starting from the Silver level, with each level being 20 RP.

The system will match matches based on RP values ​​and will not use a class-based lobby like in previous seasons. When playing in a pre-formed team, the player with the highest level will compete.

Finally, in the S20 season, promotion trials and ranking matches have been cancelled. Relegation and relegation protection will remain the same as those in the Ignite points competition, and the demand for RP in the points competition will increase.

Although there are no new heroes or new maps in the S20 season, they have previewed the new mixed mode map “Thunder Arena”, and the weapon balance will also be released in the patch notes in the future.

“Apex Legends” will release the updated information blog content of the 20th season “Breakout” on February 12. For details, please refer to EA official website

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