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Apart from colds, know 2 typical symptoms of pneumonia in children

JawaPos.com – When the child reaches shortness of breath and has difficulty breathing, the general public thinks the disease is pneumonia. Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory disease of the lungs that makes the lungs fill with fluid and inflammatory cells. This condition can cause serious health complications and often lead to death.

According to the Head of the Respirology Coordination Unit of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association. Dr.dr. Nastiti Kaswandani, Sp.A (K), there are several typical symptoms of pneumonia that should not be underestimated. He advised to see a doctor immediately if in doubt about the symptoms experienced by children.

First, is a cough and fever that is ongoing. Early symptoms of pneumonia are symptoms that resemble a common cold such as cough, runny nose and fever accompanied by prolonged weakness and lethargy.

“Symptoms of pneumonia usually last relatively longer than symptoms of colds and coughs due to colds,” said dr. Nastiti in the Save the Children webinar, STOP Pneumonia in the framework of World Pneumonia Day (HPD) on November 12, Thursday (5/11).

Second, is difficulty breathing. Children with pneumonia often experience difficulty breathing which is characterized by a faster breathing rate, nostril breathing, chest and abdominal wall pulling, and lips and nails that turn blue due to lack of oxygen in the blood. Difficulty breathing in babies is easier to detect when doing activities or eating.

“Babies who have difficulty breathing will prioritize their body’s mechanism for breathing so that they will eat less, be restless, fussy, or look uncomfortable,” he explained.

Prevention and protection efforts by parents, he said, need to be improved. Especially at this time the Corona virus pandemic era which also causes respiratory disease.

“So that Indonesian children are not only protected from the pandemic outbreak but also from other deadly diseases that still threaten them such as pneumonia,” he explained.

How to prevent it

Parents can take precautions and protect their children in various ways, including,

1. Exclusive breastfeeding for six months, breastfeeding plus solids! up to 2 years.

2. Complete immunizations for children

3. Go to a health facility if the child is sick.

4. Ensure adequate nutrition of children and live a clean and healthy life.

Watch the interesting video below:

Editor: Nurul Adriyana Salbiah

Reporter: Admin Hostmaster

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