Home » today » Health » Apan: They seek to overcome breast cancer and taboos around mammograms – El Sol de Hidalgo

Apan: They seek to overcome breast cancer and taboos around mammograms – El Sol de Hidalgo

He Apan Municipal DIF System in coordination with the Medical Specialties Unit for the Detection and Diagnosis of Breast Cancer (Uneme-Dedicam), launched a campaign to carry out free mammograms, with which it is sought that the shyness or embarrassment are not a reason to apply this study and other preventive actions against cancer.

Diana Laura García Mares, director of the municipal body, indicated that the diagnostic examinations will be carried out as part of the actions promoted during the Pink Month, my of Breast Cancer Awarenessso, as a pre-campaign, they are urging the women between 40 and 69 years old, in order to offer the Apanenses timely and comprehensive care for the cancer treatment and saving lives.

He explained that the call for these free studies is for both those who are beneficiaries of a medical institution and for those who do not belong to one of these, but who have not had one in the last twelve months.

In response to a specific question, he said that, during this campaign, they seek to have a group of at least twenty people and that this goal is not massive because certain groups still prevail. prejudices and taboos around this study that, he said, can make the difference between life and death.

“Unfortunately in 2024, there are those who, due to shyness, shame, machismo and other social phenomena, do not participate in these campaigns, which is why we are working not only on the dissemination of the campaign, but also on uprooting these thoughts with a culture of prevention.”

He mentioned that in the country there is a very high incidence of deaths from breast cancer, but, he said, if it is detected in time, there are various treatments that can be performed to prevent it from evolving into a situation that could mean losing one’s life.

He specified that the study will be carried out on women aged 40 and older because this is the age that health recommends for performing a mammogram, since self-explorationis a tool that has been mainly focused on the timely detection of breast cancer in women around 20 years old.

Finally, he stated that the study would be carried out in the state capital with a date and time to be defined, since this process was would schedule once they have the minimum number of women willing to take the exam, therefore, they called on those interested to go to the facilities of the Apan DIF Systemlocated at number 46 Lauro L. Méndez Street in the Centro neighborhood from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or call 748 912 0069.

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