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Anxiety or depression lurks in the Den Bosch and Tilburg region

In Brabant and Limburg last year there was a high risk of an anxiety disorder or depression among residents aged 18 to 35 years. In our province, the risk was most serious in the working area of ​​the GGD Hart voor Brabant. Women are more sensitive to it than men and the biggest problems arise in densely populated areas of cities and among people with a low level of education.

This is apparent from figures from the Health Monitor 2020 of the GGDs, the GGD GHOR Netherlands, the RIVM and the CBS. The working area of ​​the GGD Hart voor Brabant covers the northeast and the middle of our province.

Some of the questionnaires were completed between September and December, when the corona pandemic was at its peak. Perhaps that crisis, including the measures, influenced the answers. These potential impacts will be further analyzed and published shortly. The results of all studies are used, among other things, to draw up local health policy.

Listless, gloomy and tired
The monitor deals with themes such as gloom, listlessness and fatigue. Although these feelings are also familiar to people aged 18 and older in Brabant, they have started to feel a bit healthier. In 2012 and 2016, the earlier study years, 76 percent of adults reported feeling generally healthy to very healthy. Four years later, it was almost 80 percent.

It is true that in the whole of the south of the Netherlands that feeling is less strong than in most other parts of our country. It seems more pleasant to stay in Friesland, the top of Overijssel and Utrecht, among others.

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