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Anwar Fuady tells the chronology of his son’s death after being exposed to COVID-19


Anwar Fuady lost her exposed child COVID-19 for ever. The senior artist tells the chronology Senapati Ferry died because of it.

Anwar Fuady said his son had been admitted to the hospital because of the Corona virus. He said Ferry Senapati felt hot and coughed because of the virus.

“(Cause of death) COVID, COVID. (Treatmented) Just yesterday at Bakti Asih Hospital, Karangtengah, Ciledug. (Symptoms) Yes, it’s normal, hot, coughing. Yes, there is (shortness),” said Anwar when contacted by telephone.

Anwar Fuady said his son’s departure was so fast. Because Ferry Senapati is said to have experienced shortness of breath two days ago.

“Since the 19th, yes, two days. It’s been a bit tough there,” said Anwar.

Anwar Fuady’s son died three days after his mother, Farida Fuady, gone for good. Farida is known to have died on July 18, 2021.

“Yes, next to my wife. My wife died on the 18th,” said Anwar.

Ferry Senapati leaves a wife, seven children and one grandson. His wife is also said to have been exposed to COVID-19.

Before, wife Anwar Fuady, Farida, tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday (13/7) night. The next day, he was rushed to the ER Ciputra Hospital, Ciputra Mall, West Jakarta. Until he breathed his last on Sunday Dawn, the deceased had not yet received a treatment room because the hospital was full.

Farida Fuady breathed her last on Sunday (18/7) at 04.40 WIB in the emergency room at Ciputra Hospital, West Jakarta. The funeral was held at the Yapera TPU, South Tangerang.


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