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Anuna De Wever regrets tweet about Gert Verhulst: “Ee…


Anuna De Wever has spoken out on Twitter about a message she had previously posted. In it, the climate activist Gert Verhulst called an “old white hetero”, but that created more fuss than she expected.

Climate activist Anuna De Wever took to social media on Sunday against Gert Verhulst, who, according to her, minimizes the climate crisis and has no knowledge of the matter. Verhulst had previously said in an interview that she had stripped Green and that her climate marches were a poisoned gift. The fact that De Wever subsequently called the Studio 100 boss an “old white straight man”, however, did not go well with many.

The climate activist decided to respond to the fuss about the message, “not to stir up the debate but just to put it to rest”.

“The debate about someone should not be held on Twitter,” writes De Wever. “A lesson for me. We all say things out of frustration and anger. I admire those who are free of that.”

ALSO READ: Anuna De Wever calls Gert Verhulst “old white straight man” and receives loads of criticism

Read the full tweet below:

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