ANP extension
Free parking in the city center. Sound too good to be true? Not in Antwerp. Due to a hack, the city was unable to collect the fines for a month. It’s unclear how many Parkers have already put it to good use.
Among other things, parking controls in the city are difficult because “the systems are not connected”. Antwerp Mobility Councilor Koen Kennis tells the VRT. People who park without paying cannot be fined. As a result, the city has already lost around €1.2 million in the past four weeks.
On December 6, the computer systems of the municipality of Antwerp were hacked. Hacker collective Play claimed responsibility and threatened to divulge citizens’ personal data. The collective demanded a ransom from the municipality to prevent disclosure.
After an investigation by the municipality, it emerged that no sensitive data had been stolen, but a month after the hack, the problems are still not over.
Huge crowds are expected in the city in the coming days due to the post-holiday sales. The municipality invites visitors to park on the outskirts of the city and take the tram to the centre.
Despite the problems, the city continues to enforce parking controls. “Either way, we can fine you for parking incorrectly,” Alderman Kennis said.