Home » today » World » Antonio Tajani: “FI is autonomous, Marina and I are friends, I am no one’s instrument”

Antonio Tajani: “FI is autonomous, Marina and I are friends, I am no one’s instrument”

NEW YORK – On the flight between Rome and New York, in a corner of Ita’s business class. There is also a book by Ian Kershaw, “Fatal Choices”. They established the fate of the world between May 1940 and December 1941. However, too late to avoid the Second World War, due to excessive shyness towards Hitler.

Minister Antonio Tajani, won’t Italy be too timid about weapons in Kiev? And won’t it be because of Salvini, who goes to Orbán and forces you to be cautious?

“Our line does not change. Salvini has never voted against the government’s position. Forza Italia only opposed the amendment on the end of all restrictions on the use of weapons on Russian soil. Orbán is the rotating president of the Union and Salvini was there for the council of transport ministers. In any case, foreign policy is made by the prime minister and the foreign minister. Meloni and I.”

We’ll get back to that in a bit. Let’s talk first about Forza Italia, the stability of the government, Marina Berlusconi and Mario Draghi.

“Here, good: why do you always think that Marina tells Forza Italia “do this, do that”? It’s not true, they never ask us anything. Her father was the head of the party, they are business friends who support us. And you write one day “Marina disdains Tajani”, another “this is how they work to oust Meloni and put Draghi”… It’s not like that. And I am not a tool in anyone’s hands”.

But listen to the Berlusconi’s sensitivity about the extra profits to the banks.

“We are totally against taxes imposed from above. If a way is found, agreed with the banks, to help the state coffers, that’s fine. A tax risks bankrupting the cooperative and popular credit banks, they must be defended.”

One-time withdrawal?

“No. A contribution that allows for greater revenue, for example by not requiring certain payments. It could be linked to liquidity, the banks are studying the hypotheses.”

Lucky them. Citizens are not usually asked to study how to contribute.

“The citizens vote and there is a Parliament that decides. It is in their interest to keep the banking system going. If it goes bust, we all pay.”

Tajani, let’s get back to the point: aren’t you interpreting the will of the Berlusconis?

«Forza Italia does not take the line from Mediolanum. I do not take orders from them. There is no interest. It is it’s an infamous slander to claim that whatever we do, it’s for the Berlusconis. I don’t have a double life, I don’t have two families, I don’t go on luxury vacations, if anything I go to Fiuggi.”

How is the relationship between you and Meloni?

«Always the same».

And those between Marina and the prime minister? She saw Mario Draghi before Meloni. What’s happening?

“Excuse me, you’re an entrepreneur who has to invest. There’s a gentleman who makes a report on competitiveness, it’s clear that he’s talking to us! What does it matter if he sees it before or after? If I had done it, fine, but Marina is an entrepreneur, not the party secretary.”

Maybe it will become one?

«You make up yourselves films. Obviously if Marina gives me an idea, I listen to it. By the way, you are the same ones who said that it was she who asked me right schoolbut she was talking about rights in general.”

And then there was Gianni Letta. Did he bypass her by not involving her?

“But Letta does that job, he’s a consultant for that company, a Fininvest man, he’s not a member of Forza Italia. He keeps business away from the party. He’s a dear friend who often gives me excellent advice.”

With Silvio Berlusconi Letta was also central to politics.

“But now the situation is different. In Forza Italia the statutory bodies decide.”

What happens if they convict Salvini? Repercussions on the government?

“Nothing changes. No consequences. I hope he can be acquitted, but in any case the final sentences count. Then let me say that I find no legal basis in the prosecutors’ accusation, aimed at overturning a political choice.”

If a political choice coincides with a crime, it’s a crime, don’t you think?

“Of course. But there wasn’t a crime here.”

In short, you will not give up on Salvini even if he is convicted.

“It’s not a question of sympathy or friendship towards Salvini. It’s a political fact. And all this shows that a reform of justice is needed quickly.”

Could it be that all this movement of ministers will lead to a reshuffle?

“For goodness sake, no reshuffle. It’s needed when there’s a political crisis.”

Meanwhile, big maneuvers in the center, Tajani. Carfagna and Gelmini move to Lupi. Disappointed? Or didn’t you want them?

“I’m not disappointed, why should I? Never had any negotiations. They are welcome in the center-right. And in Forza Italia there will be other arrivals.”

There is controversy over the idea of ​​mandatory home insurance for damages from natural disasters. What does FI say?

«For us it should be optional and not mandatory».

Let’s go back to the lack of approval for the use of weapons on Russian soil. Minister, the no is only from Rome and Orbán, doesn’t that embarrass you?

“We only voted against the possibility of removing any limit. It’s not that we can bomb Moscow, to be clear. To tell the truth, the United States doesn’t accept it for now either. But our line doesn’t change. And the Ukrainians use weapons of their own manufacture.”

Yes from the European Parliament to the use of weapons in Russia. Divided Italians vote no

from our correspondent Claudio Tito

You seem shy.

“We sent nine packages. Zelensky asks us for Samp-T, we provide it to him.”

The previous government seemed to have “no ifs or buts” with Kiev, don’t you?

“It’s not like that! I was in Paris for the meeting of the “quintet”, everyone wants peace, Zelensky presented the plan. Should we oppose Zelensky from the right?”

Isn’t diplomacy failing? Do you see a window for peace between now and the US presidential elections?

«It is not failing, it is too blunt to say so… In America, elections are in two months, time is short, but in general I see space for a peace conference and for some progress».

Trump o Harris?

“We are neutral. A different position would be suicidal.”

What does he say about Harris?

“He’s not the left wing of the Democrats, he’s the moderate wing. Did you see the statement about the gun?”

What about Trump? Wouldn’t that be destabilizing?

“We remember the one from ten years ago, but a few things have happened. He changed some positions, for example on abortion.”

How he handled the assault on Capitol Hill hasn’t changed.

“He wasn’t president. Or rather, he was, but he was outgoing.”

In place of Meloni would he have been rewarded by Musk? Wasn’t it reckless, to wink at Trump?

“I met Musk too. Everyone chooses who they want, but I say it seems to me a more entrepreneurial choice than a political one. It is not aimed at Trump, but at the leader of an industrial giant.”

#Antonio #Tajani #autonomous #Marina #friends #instrument
– 2024-09-22 05:44:03

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