Home » today » Business » Antonio David Flores would have recordings made at the home of Rocío Jurado

Antonio David Flores would have recordings made at the home of Rocío Jurado

There is not a day that the name of Antonio David Flores is not present in the world of the heart. From the explosive statements of Rocío Carrasco against her ex-husband in the documentary series Rocío, tell the truth to stay alive, the malagueño is on everyone’s lips and the new information or testimonies that appear about him are constant.


In the last show Save me, of which the former Civil Guard has not been a part since Mediaset decided to do without him, they have ensured that Antonio David has a fondness for recording conversations. Both the director of the space and the collaborators have assured that he has tapes of the program’s team and that this custom led him to record, twenty years ago, Rocío Jurado and her family.

Antonio David installed a recording system in the house of Rocío Jurado de la Moraleja

“Alberto and I are sure that Antonio David Flores has recorded us in meetings, telephone conversations, we have been very aware that there was surely a red pilot,” said David Valldeperas, director of Sálvame. Belén Esteban has agreed with him, stating that someone from the team had previously warned him about the matter, and the program has ensured that this hobby began when Antonio David lived at the home of Rocío Jurado.

Apparently, the former Civil Guard installed a sophisticated recording system in the Moraleja house of ‘the largest’ of which both the housing workers and his lawyer, Rodríguez Menéndez, would have witnessed. According to the testimony of Raquel, a former worker for Flores’ lawyer, these tapes arrived at his office and were used against Rocío Carrasco.

The man from Malaga and his lawyer used the recordings against Rocío Carrasco at the media level

Emilio Rodríguez Menéndez was the controversial lawyer of Antonio David Flores

Emilio Rodríguez Menéndez, lawyer for Antonio David Flores


“He had tape recorders around the house and he had been recording for a long time (…) All the members of his family could be heard talking,” said Raquel about Antonio David, explaining that they transcribed the dialogues to decide what to use in court and what to comment on in the media. Rodríguez Menéndez’s former worker made some of the transcripts and has assured that both Flores and his lawyer “had fun” with them because they knew they could use them against Carrasco, even if it was at the media level.

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Raquel has not revealed the content of the tapes but Gustavo González has insisted on “a row from Rocío and Ortega who confirm to me that it is recorded and that it is terrible, especially the reason.” The lawyer’s former employee has pointed out that Antonio David still has many of these recordings and has stated that Lydia Lozano listened to some of them years ago.

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