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António Costa in an interview: “But what is the doubt that things have failed in Reguengos?”

António Costa guarantees that his minister acted in the case of the Reguengos home, even though he did not tell Expresso that he had made an inquiry or that he had communicated the situation to the Public Prosecutor’s Office: “I think I was luckier than you in the question I asked the minister. ” And it throws itself at the Ordem dos Médicos, which it accuses of not having the function of “supervising the State”. The other reports, he says, suggest that doctors also had responsibilities in the case.

What do you consider “artificial” in the controversy with Minister Ana Gomes Godinho?
It is to pretend that the State and the Minister devalue the importance of what goes on in the homes due to the fact that a certain report has not been read. First, when defining the creation of continuous and integrated care as a priority in health reform, it is because we are well aware that, with demographic evolution, the response of households is insufficient. Second, since the beginning of the pandemic, we have adopted a brutal reinforcement of the financial conditions of the IPSS, mercies and mutual societies, which increased the allocation by 5.5% in a year when inflation is negative. We supported the hiring of thousands of workers to reinforce IPSS, we carried out massive tests, we financially supported the purchase of personal protective equipment and we assumed the extremely difficult political cost of, for months, having prohibited family visits. We are now adopting more support programs for homes. It cannot be said that we are not aware of the problem.

This is an article from the weekly Expresso. Click ON HERE to continue reading.

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