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“Antonella’s Earnings from Six Months in GF VIP Revealed: Was the Money Worth it?”

Antonella Fiordelisi – solospettacolo.it (web source)

Antonella Fiordelisi again at the center of the umpteenth controversy: the pharaonic amount of her cachet inflames the network.

Now excluded from the last stages of the reality show, the swordswoman from Salerno has regained full command of her social networks, and constantly publishes contents and updates about her love story with Edoardo Donnamaria.

The tormented relationship between the two monopolized the dynamics in the loft for months – and the related clips during prime time -, consequently obscuring other protagonists of the format. Despite the immense media exposure, however, the sweethearts of the “GF Vip” left the house one step away from the final.

Indeed, after Edoardo’s expulsion, Antonella Fiordelisi showed a psychological breakdown and, also supported by the omnipresent family, begged the fans of penalize her in televotingin order to gain the exit from the famous red door.

In recent days, public opinion has focused on stellar cachet reserved for the conductor Alfonso Signorini, the commentators Sonia Bruganelli and Orietta Berti, as well as the godmother of the social media Giulia Salemi. Very appetizing amounts, however justified by the professional commitment lavished on the programme. As for the cast, the figures agreed with the production vary according to the reputation of the competitor. Let’s find out which are the best paid Vipponi of the current edition…

“GF Vip”: this is how much Antonella Fiordelisi’s salary is

According to some insiders, the production of the reality show would have quickly exhausted the funds available for the cachets of the competitors. Characters like Wilma Goich, Pamela Prati, Patrizia Rossetti and Attilio Romita in fact, they have stipulated very advantageous contracts, from which they have obtained a considerable nest egg, accumulated during each day of stay in the Cinecittà loft.

As for the younger and less experienced competitors in the world of entertainment, the expected salaries deflated significantly, as in the case of Antonella Fiordelisi. In any case, the fencer from Salerno has earned a considerable amount during her television experience: some rumors in fact suggest a total amount of well 130.000 euro for the only six-monthly participation in the show.

Network reactions

Antonella Fiordelisi has divided the reality audience since her entry into the program: fans and detractors seem to be numerically equivalent, and have unleashed over the months virtual wars with hashtags on the Twitter platform.

As for the compensation received by the young Vippona, however, the majority of online users reacted with indignation. One of them blames the authors for rewarding Antonella’s alleged anti-educational attitudes: “Money badly spent! What a pity, they could have given them to charity!“. Another adds: “It’s a shame to give all this money to a rude, spoiled, arrogant and conceited girl with so many people living in poverty. Someone who can’t do anything, except the prima donna. Shame!“.

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