Home » today » Entertainment » Antonella Clerici: “In the past too many compromises, today I have to understand if the public loves me as they once did”

Antonella Clerici: “In the past too many compromises, today I have to understand if the public loves me as they once did”

“It’s a forest fairy, with fairies, gnomes and a magical tree. There is a large led where the images of the forest surrounding my house flow live. And then in the center of the studio a kitchen that recalls mine: for me the good living room has always been the kitchen, I welcome guests there, in what is the hearth of the house. I think of a program that wants to dispense kindness; wisdom instead is represented by three grannies. The watchword is sunshine ». Antonella Clerici restarts where she had finished. Day time is its natural habitat and from Monday 28 it returns to Rai1 with It is always noon!, un format di Stand By Me.

She felt she had suffered an injustice when the former director De Santis told her that there was no more space for her on Rai1. Is it a revenge?
«It’s true, at first I lived it badly, then the more time passed the more I began to understand that it was becoming an opportunity to rethink many things with a clear mind. I changed my life, from Rome I moved to Arquata Scrivia, between the Ligurian and Piedmontese Apennines, it could have been a leap in the dark, but instead I got to know a world. A world that I now carry on TV. After all, I have always done this: I have always brought my life and my passions on TV ».



Antonella Clerici: «My new home in the Arquata Scrivia wood. Here I cook (and I am reborn) “
Antonella Clerici: “I, a predestined”

A daily container that deals with cuisine and current events: what figure will it have «It’s always noon!»?
«I love peaceful, serene TV, the one that dispenses kindness and good manners, wisdom. I think we all need to recover a bit of slowness: my idea is to bring the province and nature on television. Where I live now I am not privileged, many have a piece of land. In the program I surround myself with normal people who bring their life experience to TV ».

She had left “La prova del cuoco” because she was tired of everyday life. Now what prompted you to change your mind?
“Two years ago when I left noon it was a final goodbye for me, I didn’t really think about returning. I needed to find myself, I had been coming from 15 years of successes such as the Festival or the first Saturday evenings. But I also made some plans to please others. I was unmotivated, I did not have the enthusiasm of the beginning, and then the unwanted stop at the time De Santis also arrived ».

Have you ever met her again? What would he tell her?
«I would say thank you, because if I had done another subdued season today I would not have this enthusiasm. In the end, that stop was an opportunity. I lived in my wood for two years, I cultivated and thought about my two great passions: family and the growth of my daughter; and television. Director Coletta’s proposal fooled me: he made me believe I was working on a small project, and in the end he asked me for a program of an hour and a half: you can see that doing things small is not in my karma. I of mine have set a condition: to have only one year of contract ».

A courageous choice, usually aiming for multi-year renewals. Why?
«It’s a question of fairness, let’s see how we are and then decide if necessary. I have no ambitions, I don’t have to prove anything. Of course this is a new challenge and a new test, but when you reach a certain age you mature in awareness. I know that I have to win back the public, let’s see if I can pass the idea of ​​kindness that I want to convey or if the TV in these two years has changed. I listened to myself a lot, I got rid of a lot of ballast and I told myself that I have to make a program in my own way, tailored to me. And then, if you never risk anything, what is life like? ».

He spoke of newfound enthusiasm: had he lost it?
“If I review my latest broadcasts, I am very critical of myself: I was no longer the same as before, the Antonella who makes fun of herself, I had entered the routine, I was pulling away. I got some programs wrong because instead of listening to me, I listened to how others wanted me: you have to be sober, look at the hunchback, be set. Instead I’m a wild horse, you have to let me run, even when I’m wrong. If some of the programs I did didn’t go well I think it was because I was a tamed horse, I need to be like Spirit. ”

Back in the sash that she had left to Elisa Isoardi. Have you heard?
“I’ll call her for now Dancing… Unlike what you think there is no antipathy, there has never been a personal war with her, indeed she is one of the people I have heard the most. I think it is right that Elisa finally has a program that is hers, in her image and likeness, as she wants ».

Kindness, wisdom, sunshine: ever a transgression in life?
He laughs: “I think part of our generation is a bit out of date in some ways. My greatest transgression is never having smoked. But I am a woman in love with life. I love to eat and I love with a lot of passion, yes: I never back down ».

21 September 2020 (change September 21, 2020 | 07:23)


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