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Anton Johansson Causes Controversy in JVM Final with Fight and Match Penalty

Anton Johansson made a change in the JVM final.

It was 12 seconds long and included a fight and a match penalty.

Afterwards, he refused to comment.

The USA led the JVM final against Sweden 6-2 and less than a minute remained in the game when Leksand’s big man Anton Johansson took to the ice

It was his very first change in the entire playoffs and he immediately set his sights on the 15 centimeters shorter and 15 kilograms lighter American Lane Hutson.

Then the fight was in full swing.

– He came out on the ice looking for a fight. I didn’t want to fight, but I had to stand up for myself and my teammates, says Hutson to Sportbladet.


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1 / 2Photo: Pontus Orre

“Hope not…”

On social media, Anton Johansson is praised by many Swedish fans, but in the US people react with disgust and believe that Sweden sent a “torpedo” onto the ice.

– Was it his first prey? I hope they didn’t send him out to do that, says Frank Nazar.

“No comment”

So … was it a stable order from the confederation captain Magnus Hävelid?

To the direct question, Hävelid answers no.

But you understand that there will be speculation when Anton comes in and there will be fights right away?

– I have no comment on that.

Sportbladet tried during Friday evening to get a comment from the protagonist himself, but Anton Johansson did not want to comment.

Lane Hutson was also the one who in the third period was hit by Noah Östlund’s stick, which gave the Swedish center 2+2 minutes. Hutson was bleeding from the chin, but played right away when the USA’s power play began.

full screen Photo: Pontus Orre
2024-01-06 07:49:14
#Swedish #torpedo #refuses #comment

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