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Antoine S. Remy: The Legacy of a Lebanese Director and Producer

Antoine S. Remy is a Lebanese director and producer who was distinguished by his craftsmanship and professionalism and left an imprint on the establishment of Lebanon Television and through the works that he presented. He has directed 5 films and over 10,000 hours of television. He participated with Nicolas Abu Samh and Issam Hamwi in establishing Lebanon Television. He gained the trust of the Rahbani Brothers and directed many of their plays for television. Antoine S. married. Remy from Hind Abi Al-Lama, and with him, she moved to acting and became the princess of hearts through her famous series before she was afflicted with a rare disease that led to her death at a young age.

His upbringing

Antoine S. was born. Remy in Senegal in 1937 after his parents immigrated and left their town of Kfarhata in the Zgharta district. He returned to Lebanon when he was eleven years old, and obtained a secondary school certificate from Aintoura School.

His study

Antoine S. traveled. Remy went to Paris to pursue his studies in medicine, but cinema work attracted him, so he turned to studying animation. He graduated after two and a half years of study at the Higher Institute of Audio and Visual Professions in France.

Its beginning

Antoine S. is back. Remy came to Lebanon in 1962 and worked as a director at Tele Orient, where he filmed a series with Shoshu and a later film called “Shoushu and the Million,” which achieved popular success. In 1969, he filmed a film about the Palestinian issue entitled “May God be sacrificed for you, Palestine.” He presented his first TV show, “The Story of the Hands.” He turned to drama and directed works by Muhammad Shamil and other well-known writers.

His private life

Get to know Antoine S. Remy went to Hind Abi Lama, who worked with him as an assistant director, and an emotional relationship developed between them that led to marriage. Hind moved on to acting, and became one of the most prominent faces on Lebanese and Arab television, and her talent and series became very popular.

His resignation

During the Lebanese War, he resigned from Lebanon Television, where he worked as director of production and programs between 1983 and 1989, before moving to production management at Al-Jadeed TV between 1991 and 1996. In 1992, he assumed the presidency of the Cinema Department at Saint Joseph University, and was elected. At the beginning of the Lebanese war, he became the head of the Cinema Technicians Syndicate in Lebanon.

His movies

“Shushu and the Million” starring Hassan Alaa El-Din, “Beirut 500” starring Ihsan Sadiq and Sabah, “I sacrifice for you, Palestine” starring Mahmoud Saeed. Beach of Love starring Shams Al-Baroudi and Hassan Youssef, “For Women Only” starring Abdel Salam Al-Nabulsi and Mayada.

His television works

“Siti Al-Khotiyara”, “Oh Director”, “The Avenger”, “The Idiot”, “The Mirage”, “Sunset”, “Diala”, “Scorpio”, “The Captive”, “Hanadi”, “Shajarat al-Durr”, “The Teacher and the Professor” “, “Street of Days”, “Night Player”, “Rabi'”, “Fares Bin Ayyad”, “Al-Masharati”, “Lost in the City”, “Don’t Say Goodbye”.

A dream that did not come true

Journalist Robert Franjieh revealed that director Antoine S. Remy wanted to fulfill his wife Hind Abi Lama’s dream by filming a film about the life of Saint Marina and offering her a tribute from Wadi Qannoubine, but her tragic death did not serve their dreams.

His illness

Antoine Remy suffered from health crises that forced him to undergo dialysis permanently. He remained on dialysis for 20 years, and at that time he would undergo dialysis and go to work.

His grandson

His children, Sassine and Rabie, stayed away from the field of acting, with the exception of a photograph in which Rabie appeared in the series “Scorpio.” As for directing talent, he revealed to Al-Fan website in 2014 that work had begun on a cinematic film that narrates the biography of the late actress Hind Abi Al-Lama, as it is expected to be shown in local and Arab cinemas starting October 3, 2015, coinciding with the anniversary of a quarter of a century since her passing. His grandmother. But the film was not shown for reasons we do not know.

Faces made

Director Antoine S. left. Remy had a big impact on the launch of Lebanon TV and until his last days he remained presenting beautiful faces, for example Randali Kodeih in “The Story of Amal”, which he also nominated Mirana Charbel Al-Naimi to be one of them.

Historical works

Antoine S. presented Remy has in his career historical works such as Haroun Al-Rashid and Fares Ben Ayyad, and the series Haroun Al-Rashid in 1977, starring Waheed Jalal, Qamar Al-Safadi, Jamil Awad, Mahmoud Abu Ghraibah, and Muhammad Salihiya.

Distinctive duality

The series highlighted by director Antoine S. Remy is the most important duo in the history of television, Hind Abi Lama and Abdel Majeed Majzoub.

His daughter-in-law

Actress Nada Remy, the daughter-in-law of director Antoine Remy, participated in roles on the small screen, including the role of “Nay” in the series “Ishq Al-Nisa” and in the series “Ruby” and “The Return,” after courses in the art of acting that she took in Los Angeles in the United States of America.

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