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Antiplastic bonus, up to 5 thousand euros for those who renounce the packaging

there the antiplastic bonus. With a contribution of up to 5 thousand euros for exhibitors. And in particular for those who renounce the packaging by focusing on the sale of bulk products. Specifically, it is a contribution that is disbursed non-repayable, aims at environmental sustainability. Through less waste production.

By virtue of its own sale of the product in bulk without the classic packaging. After a long wait, the special implementation decree has finally arrived for the antiplastic bonus after almost two years. Since the introduction of the measure dates back to the Climate decree of October 2019.

Here is the antiplastic bonus. Up to 5 thousand euros for those who renounce the packaging

The antiplastic bonus, in particular, aims to support the business of selling food products. And of bulk detergents by the small neighborhood shops. But in reality, the media and large commercial distribution can also access the contribution, until all the funds allocated are used up. The one that, within the points of sale, prepares special areas. And aimed precisely at the sale of bulk products, those so-called on tap when it comes to detergents.

To access the anti-plastic bonus, the sale of bulk products must take place for a period of at least 3 years. Otherwise, the contribution will be revoked. Furthermore, themerchant for the sale will have the possibility to apply the mechanism of the deposit. But he will not be able to sell the products using the disposable containers.

Non-repayable anti-packaging grants until the allocated funds are exhausted

The implementing decree for the anti-plastic bonus came from the ministry. The one for the ecological transition. In accordance with what was reported by IlSole24Ore.

how. Signed by the Minister Roberto Cingolani. And with the countersigning of the Minister for Economic Development, Giancarlo Giorgetti.

Until the allocated funds are used up, the anti-plastic bonus will be recognized in order of submission of applications. With the outcome and the amount of the recognized contribution which will be made known and communicated within 90 days. From the date of submission of the applications.

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