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Anticosti’s candidacy for UNESCO confirmed by Ottawa

The submission of the application constitutes a pivotal step in the process that could lead to the inscription of Anticosti on the World Heritage List ofUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizationsays a press release.

Thomas Mallard, press officer at theUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizationconfirms that the application has been successfully submitted.

« If the application is compliant, it will be examined by the World Heritage Committee in the summer of 2023, according to the rules of the nomination process. »

A quote from Thomas Mallard, UNESCO Press Officer

To appear on the World Heritage List, Anticosti Island must meet at least one of the ten selection criteria determined by UNESCO (archives).

Photo: Radio-Canada / Martin Toulgoat

The prefect of the Regional County Municipality de la Minganie, Luc Noël, indicates that this application is an important step that has just been taken in the Anticosti Island file, after nearly a decade of work.

The fact of being recognized as world heritage, it attracts tourists, it attracts people to come and see what is so precious about this big island, to deserve this titleexplains Mr. Noël.

Luc Noël is prefect of the MRC de la Minganie

Luc Noël is prefect of the MRC de la Minganie.

Photo: Radio Canada

It is one of the only islands in Quebec that has no dedicated means of transport , he said. Luc Noël is hopeful that Anticosti’s registration for theUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization would make the island more accessible .

The prefect of the Regional County Municipality recalls that last year, the application of Anticosti Island to the World Heritage of theUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization had been postponed to 2022. It gave us another year to […] better refine the work that had been started and to finalize the presentation of the [25 février] he said.

Mr. Noël affirms that to work on the candidacy for the World Heritage ofUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was the workhorse to protect Anticosti Island.

In 2013 and 2014, we started the battle for oil. It lasted nearly four years. After these events, we started to work [à faire reconnaître l’île d’Anticosti]. […] We’ve been solving the oil problem for almost nine years to protect Anticosti and quickly move toUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization explains Mr. Noël.

In 2017, Quebec put an end to any possibility of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons on Anticosti Island.

The director of Society of Outdoor Establishments of Quebec Anticosti, Robin Plante, welcomes [ce dépôt de candidature] with joy and pride .

world heritage. As soon as [l'île d’Anticosti] will be recognized, it’s sure that the machine will take off “,”text”:”We will be like all Quebecers. […] We will wait until we are recognized as world heritage. As soon as [l’île d’Anticosti] will be recognized, it is sure that the machine will take off “}}”>We will be like all Quebecers. […] We will wait until we are recognized as world heritage. As soon as [l’île d’Anticosti] will be recognized, it is sure that the machine will take off says Mr. Plante.

Robin Plante is the general manager of Sépaq in Anticosti.

Robin Plante is the general manager of Sépaq in Anticosti.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Felix Lebel

Marilène Gill, the Bloc Québécois MP for Manicouagan, which includes the island, reacted by email to the announcement scheduled for next week.

I am happy and proud that Anticosti Island, our geological jewel of Quebec, has taken another step in the process of being classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.she notes.

Joined by Radio-Canada, the mayor of Anticosti Hélène Boulanger wanted to wait until the February 25 conference to comment.

To be included on the World Heritage List, Anticosti Island must meet at least one of the ten selection criteria (New window) determined by theUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

In 2017, the Trudeau government placed the Anticosti Island site on Canada’s tentative list.

In 2020, Quebec had allocated $ 1.2 million to the Municipality of L’Île-d’Anticosti to allow it to advance its candidacy.

With information from Zoé Bellehumeur and Félix Lebel

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