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Anticipating Dengue Fever, Residents of Nagori Balimbingan are Fogging

Simalungun, Ruangpers.com – Anticipating the spread of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) outbreak, the Bhabinkamtibmas of the Tanah Java Police, Simalungun Resort, together with the District Government carried out fogging (fumigation, ed), in the residential area of ​​Huta III Nagori Balimbingan, Tanah Java District, Simalungun Regency, Tuesday (15/2/2022).

Bhabinkamtibmas, Tanah Jawa District, Aipda Jonner Tampubolon, explained that the fogging activity was carried out with Simalungun DPRD Members, Juarsah Siagian, Pangulu Nagori Balimbingan, J Gultom, Head of Tanah Jawa Health Center represented by M. Darif Panjaitan, Puskesmas staff and Nagori Devices.

Bhabinkamtibmas Polsek Tanah Jawa Simalungun Resort, together with the District Government carried out fogging (fumigation, red), in the residential area of ​​Huta III Nagori Balimbingan, Tanah Jawa District, Simalungun Regency, Tuesday (15/2/2022).

Aipda Joner said, this fogging activity was carried out because there were many complaints from residents indicating that they had dengue fever.

On this occasion, he conveyed to the public the messages of kamtibmas including maintaining the cleanliness of the environment around the house, and continuing to carry out health protocols regarding preventing the spread of the corona virus.


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