Home » today » Technology » Anti-vaccine twitter accounts use the recently deceased mayor of O Porriño

Anti-vaccine twitter accounts use the recently deceased mayor of O Porriño

The provincial PSOE has denounced some thirty Twitter accounts for using the recent death of the former mayor of O Porriño, Eva García de la Torre, to spread anti-vaccine propaganda and denial of the pandemic. The General Secretary of the Socialists of Pontevedra, David Regades, through a press release, stated “he was dismayed” by the appearance of this type of message, and demanded respect for a woman who, consistent with her personal and political life , was an active advocate of both vaccination and all health measures to fight the pandemic.

The tweets published on the social network, and which the PSOE has denounced, link, for the most part, the vaccination of Eva García de la Torre with her death last week due to a heart attack. But they do not give any data or scientific evidence beyond the usual ‘tics’ that appear repeatedly in denialist profiles. Some messages similar to those that this ‘troll’ group disseminates in relation to the deaths of other people with public projection, and that, the ‘hashtag’ #Repetintinis, identifies a large part of these publications on the social network (one of the tweets is published in French).

Thus, from the Socialist Party of the province of Pontevedra, its general secretary, announces and warns that they will continue denouncing as many publications as are made in this regard. David Regades, invites to make a deep social reflection on the insensitivity and gratuitous cruelty of this type of characters “who roam freely on social networks. Subjects who seek notoriety by harming people they don’t even know and disseminating inventions without basis or foundation, “says the socialist politician.

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