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Anti-Semitism and left-wing violence are on the rise again in Europe – Danube Bend Region

“Anti-Semitism and far-left violence is on the rise again in Europe,” the Parliamentary Secretary of State for the Home Office said on Friday at the memorial held at the House Museum of Terror in Budapest during the European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Total Dictatorship.

Bence Rétvári said that “the European defense system is weakened”, so it cannot suppress anti-Semitism and does not want to suppress illegal migration and extreme left-wing violence.

He named the head of the European Fundamental Rights Group, who says that there is a wave of anti-Semitism in Europe. He said it was due to the conflict in the Middle East and illegal migration. He cited the antifa attack that took place in Hungary two years ago as an example of the spread of violence on the left. He said, that “one of those who did hunting work” has been a member of the European Parliament since then. The man who does not respect the most basic right has become a legislator, he said.

According to the assessment of the secretary of state, the day of remembrance also warns that values ​​such as the family, Christian culture and the protection of sovereignty must be firmly represented.

In his speech, Bence Rétvári recalled that the European Day of Remembrance was created in 2011, during the first presidency of the EU in Hungary, as a joint initiative by Hungary, Poland and Lithuania. Until then, there was no such memorial to the 100 million victims of communist dictatorships. The purpose of the commemoration day, besides commemoration, is to better understand each other in the EU, he said.

Budapest, August 23, 2024. Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, delivers a speech during the European Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Totalitarian Dictatorships at the memorial held at the House of Terror Museum in Budapest on August 23, 2024. MTI Photo Editor/MTI/Péter Lakatos

Instead of understanding, we are now experiencing “a request from the European Union”, said Bence Rétvári, saying: “they do not want our understanding, but they want us to accept the they think of the world”. The Secretary of State recalled that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany on this day in 1939, ie, the day of remembrance is the day of the “fatal alliance” of the two dictators, Hitler and Stalin.

He noted that great powers like to divide and make agreements, and that is never good for small countries. It is better for small countries not to look for the way of the future on one side or the other, but to look for the way of peace, he emphasized.

Bence Rétvári emphasized that the methods of the two dictatorships were the same, despite the fact that one promoted racial antagonism and the other class antagonism. Both deny that we belong to one family, one nation, and that we are working against Christianity. He said that we must be careful about any ideology based on the rejection of these values ​​and we must also be careful about war situations.

Mária Schmidt, director general of the House of Terror Museum, spoke about how “the spreaders of the culture of acceptance and understanding began to make friends with the communist dictatorship, they talk intelligently about Marx’s thoughts and actions, Engels, Lenin, and more recently even Mao and Stalin.

However, the Nazi dictatorship was left as a crutch, which can be used from time to time to attack the conservative national political family – said the historian who won the Széchenyi Prize, denying that some still name a community of right-wing people like the Nazis and fascists.

“The Nazis and the Komcs are abominable scars in the history of the world,” said Maria Schmidt. He also mentioned that the House of Terror Museum is a place of remembrance and remembrance, where also drawing attention to the phenomena that want to bring dictatorships back to life.

At the end of the memorial, the participants lit candles in front of the memorial to the victims of fascist and communist dictatorships.

Source: MTI

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