Home » today » World » Anti-Semitic Crowd Breaks into Makhachkala Airport in Russia – Attempt to Board Plane from Tel Aviv

Anti-Semitic Crowd Breaks into Makhachkala Airport in Russia – Attempt to Board Plane from Tel Aviv

In Makhachkala (RF), on Sunday, participants in an anti-Semitic action broke into the airport and tried to board a plane from Tel Aviv, looking for Jews. The airport is closed.

Source: Medusa with reference to a number of telegram channels

Details: Hundreds of people gathered at Makhachkala airport before the arrival of a flight from Tel Aviv. This happened after calls spread on telegram channels to participate in the gathering at the airport and check cars near the building.

The crowd stopped cars leaving the airport. The people who were there had their passports checked and looked for Jews.

A few hours later, protesters broke into the airport building.

According to the telegram channel “Caution, News,” those gathered entered each room, shouting anti-Semitic slogans. At the same time, airport employees tried to hide in their office offices – this can be seen in videos published on social networks.

Later, some people ran onto the runway and tried to get on the plane that had arrived from Tel Aviv.

The Federal Air Transport Agency reported that the airport is closed “until the situation normalizes” for the reception and departure of flights “due to the penetration of unknown persons onto the airport platform.”

The Investigative Committee of Dagestan opened a criminal case into the seizure of the airport in Makhachkala by local residents, RIA Dagestan reports. The case was initiated under Article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on mass riots. Punishment is imprisonment for a term of eight to fifteen years.

Meduza writes that the police did not interfere with the crowd in any way. They only called through a megaphone to refrain from pogroms and blocking roads, and also said that they “understood” those gathered and were ready to “stand up and chant” with them. Only when the protesters broke through to the tarmac, overpowering the airport security, did special forces arrive on the scene—however, even then the security forces did not disperse anyone.

Dagestan’s Minister of National Policy Enrik Muslimov and Minister of Youth Affairs Kamil Saidov arrived at the airport and entered into negotiations with those gathered. According to Beware the News, communications in the airport area were also jammed so that the crowd could not coordinate actions.

Most of those who arrived, apparently, did not leave the airport, writes Sota. The publication notes that the Tel Aviv flight is mainly used as a connecting flight to Moscow, since direct tickets to the Russian capital from Israel are very expensive.

Over the past 24 hours, a number of anti-Semitic actions have taken place in the North Caucasus. In Khasavyurt, Dagestan, a crowd gathered at one of the hotels due to rumors that refugees from Israel were supposedly staying there. The police allowed some of those gathered to go inside so that they could see that this was not the case. A rally was held in the capital of Karachay-Cherkessia, the participants of which demanded to “evict” the Jews. The Ministry of Internal Affairs subsequently claimed that 34 of the 80 participants were detained and protocols were drawn up against them for participation in unauthorized rallies. In the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik, unknown persons set fire to a Jewish cultural center under construction and left an anti-Semitic inscription on its wall.

2023-10-29 19:04:31
#crowd #broke #Makhachkala #airport #due #flight #Tel #Aviv

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