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Anti-Sánchez protests continue in Ferraz and Alcorcón and take shape in Barcelona


05/20/2020 21:56Updated: 05/20/2020 22:38

A group of citizens has reiterated with a demonstration before the PSOE headquarters his rejection of the management of the Government of Pedro Sánchez in the coronavirus crisis. It is the fifth day in a row that the protests also move to Madrid’s Ferraz street, with proclamations and casseroles demanding the resignation of the Executive.

The first protesters began to arrive around 9:00 p.m., at which time the critical panning with the government from the balcony was scheduled in the two months of confinement due to the pandemic. So, security in the area has been tightened in recent days, with a greater police presence and five “milk companies” of the National Police in front of the headquarters of the “socialists”.

Berta Tena

With the PSOE headquarters heavily guarded by the Police, the number of protesters has been reduced to around 200, although they do not take it as a defeat: “This is our 15-M and it will not stop”

However, the number of attendees at this Wednesday’s protest It has been less than in previous days, when a greater influx of people forced to cut traffic on that part of the road. This Wednesday, however, the circulation of cars has not been harmed.

The congregants have been in permanent movement on the sidewalks following the recommendations of the agents, who indicated to the protesters that they could not stop or invade the road. Most of them were decked out with the flag of Spain and with masks, which will be compulsory for citizens from this Thursday. Among the slogans, shouts of “Government resignation”, “Sánchez resignation”, “Freedom!” and praising the work of the National Police.

news-img-figure">Casserole today in Ferraz. (EFE)Casserole today in Ferraz. (EFE)
news-img-caption-def">Casserole today in Ferraz. (EFE)

In this sense, the attendees protested as they walked and circled the sidewalks the headquarters of the PSOE, which is located on Calle Ferraz, between Marqués de Urquijo and Buen Suceso. This ‘circuit’ has caused specific concentrations of people in the pedestrian crossings waiting to cross. In addition, a group of volunteers distributed flags of Spain to the protesters who were arriving.

Police presence in Alcorcón

Also, some 200 people have protested in the town of Alcorcón (Madrid) in the surroundings of a Plaza Príncipes de España fenced and guarded by an important police device to prevent incidents.

The town council, governed by the PSOE and Unidas Podemos-Ganar Alcorcón, ordered this Tuesday to close the square to “watch over the health of the population and avoid illegal concentrations”. A decision that was adopted after crowds of people have been registered in recent days during the call for the pan against the government and attempts to confront it, coinciding on Monday with a counter-protest.


In Alcorcón (Madrid), there has been a tense verbal confrontation between the protesters participating in the pan and a group of so-called anti-fascists

The protest on Wednesday in this area of ​​the Parque Lisboa neighborhood of the town has brought together two hundred people, including Bertrand Ndongo, popularly known as ‘black Vox’.

The congregants, wearing the flags of Spain and the occasional Carlist banner, have protested by ringing their pots, pans and kitchen utensils and trying to keep a minimum safety distance, which has not prevented the production of images of crowds at some moments. .

From nearby balconies the hymn of Spain has been played on several occasions while an important police device watched over the correct development of the protest, which was closed after 9:30 p.m.

National Police officers have requested the identification of several citizens at the access to the area on Calle Princesa Doña Sofía and have urged at all times to maintain a safe distance and avoid incidents.

In Núñez de Balboa

The protests and caceroladas called for the resignation of Pedro Sánchez at the head of the Government for the management of the coronavirus pandemic have been spreading through different territories of the country over the days despite the remain a minority movement.

The germ that emerged in the Madrid neighborhood of Salamanca has been repeating itself a week after the first calls. As usual, citizens go out in the same area of ​​Núñez de Balboa, between Ramón de la Cruz and Ayala streets, to demonstrate against the government of Pedro Sánchez against the coronavirus.

Berta Tena

Wrapped in Spanish flags, with the anthem in the background, a hundred residents have chosen to replicate the controversial protests on Calle Núñez de Balboa in front of the PSOE headquarters

Unlike the first days, where there were concentrations of people that prevented the safety distance recommended by the health authorities to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the rest of the nights there have been a considerable increase in police presence that has prevented the neighbors from invading the road.

news-img-figure">Protests on Calle Núñez de Balboa, last Sunday. (EFE)Protests on Calle Núñez de Balboa, last Sunday. (EFE)
news-img-caption-def">Protests on Calle Núñez de Balboa, last Sunday. (EFE)

Thus, with Spanish flags and saucepans, they have protested the sidewalks, walking and avoiding standing, so they have not repeated images of accumulations of people. From the balconies and the windowsIn addition, casseroles have sounded as a critical response to the policy of the central executive.

The monitoring of these protests has been uneven in other neighborhoods and districts of the Spanish capital. The protests have spread to other neighborhoods, such as Mirasierra, Aravaca, Chamartín, Montecarlo or Aravaca, Madrid cities like, Alcorcón, Pozuelo de Alarcón or Getafe and other Spanish cities like Salamanca, Valencia, Zaragoza, Seville, Logroño or Guadalajara.

In Barcelona

In Barcelona, ​​a hundred people with Spanish flags gathered on Wednesday afternoon in the Bonanova neighborhood of Barcelona against the management of the Government and the cry of “resignation”.

The call has been broadcast on social networks, and called for a pan at 20:00 on the Paseo de la Bonanova with Ganduxer street. The Mossos d’Esquadra they have deployed a device with five vans and there were also agents of the Urban Guard.

Police have identified about three protesters, and at first they have not cut off street traffic, so concentrates were on the sidewalks. Half an hour after the start of the concentration, fifteen young people have appeared who they have intoned anti-capitalist and anti-fascist cries, and the Catalan police have also identified several of them.

Europa Press

Under the slogan ‘Life before capital’, the concentration called to “change the balconies for the squares”. The Mossos warned the protesters that they could not concentrate on the street

When these young people have appeared, the mossos They have proceeded to cut off traffic on the street and have established a police cordon to separate the two groups, without further incidents in a concentration that has broken up around 9:00 p.m.

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