Home » Health » Anti-Rabies Vaccination and Zoonosis Prevention for Dogs and Cats in Mataderos: Club Cárdenas and Luis Pasteur Institute

Anti-Rabies Vaccination and Zoonosis Prevention for Dogs and Cats in Mataderos: Club Cárdenas and Luis Pasteur Institute

On Monday, June 12, at Club Cárdenas at Av. Cárdenas 2920, Mataderos, an anti-rabies vaccination operation will take place for dogs and cats older than three months. There will also be deworming, scabies treatment and study of Psittacosis in birds.

The operation, organized by the Club and the Luis Pasteur Institute of Zoonoses, will take place between 9:30 and 11:30. It is requested to carry cats in bags or backpacks and dogs on a leash and muzzle and that minors be accompanied by a responsible adult.

The rabies virus affects the central nervous system of mammals, including humans. It is found mainly in the saliva and brain of infected animals, and is transmitted by bite. The vaccine should be given to dogs and cats every year for the life of the animal.

The Luis Pasteur Institute of Zoonoses is a public health establishment that works on the diagnosis, prevention and control of urban zoonoses and the promotion of health around these diseases. It is located at Av. Diaz Velez 4821, its phone number is 4958-9900.

There, the rabies vaccine is applied to dogs and cats, without shift, from Monday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. It also offers services such as a clinical office, hospitalization, pathological anatomy, operating room: surgical sterilization of canines and cats is performed, both males and females, and a Case-Cause office that records complaints about bites.

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2023-06-05 09:00:00
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