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Anti-police and anti-justice tags on the walls of Dijon

In its wake, the “wild carnival” of Lentillères de Dijon left strange traces. Two days after this gathering of 400 people intended to protest against the “concreting” of the city, the prefect is indignant at a slew of inscriptions on the walls of the city.

“Cop rapist murderer”, “Fire in Suquet” (the name of the square where the police station is located), “The prisons on fire, the guards in the middle” or even “1 OPJ (judicial police officer) 2 shots, a proc 3 Glock shots (pistol)”: a total of 65 graffiti and inscriptions calling for hatred and murder.

“While they are not likely to reach the police officers who proudly commit themselves on a daily basis to ensuring the safety of the population and fulfill their missions with a great sense of professionalism, they contrast on the other hand with the image of reputation that this collective intends to convey to the people of Dijon” writes the prefect Fabien Sudry in a press release.

“I strongly condemn these remarks and renew my total support for all law enforcement and civil servants responsible for ensuring, throughout the territory and 365 days a year, the safety of the population. and fight crime” concludes the representative of the State.

Example of tags listed by the prefecture

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