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Anti-mafia suspects Brando of two murders

Brando will go into hiding again if he is extradited from Ukraine to Bulgaria, anti-mafia activists have been working against the cocaine boss for years. They claim that Evelin Banev is involved not only in international drug trafficking, but also in murders, writes “Labor“.

He was suspected of being a guarantor, but his involvement could not be proven. According to them, we have an “umbrella” of the underground boss and only if he is sent to Italy or Romania, where there are also effective sentences, Brando will get what he deserves. Not accidentally after his arrest on September 6 near Kiev he asked to serve his sentences in a Bulgarian prison. They are for drug trafficking and money laundering, but not for murder.

The cocaine boss fell into the circle of suspects in May 2005, when Konstantin Dishliev, 29, was shot dead in front of a restaurant in Sofia, who passed for the financial brain, laundered money of the PEC group.

A group of Bulgarians accused of drug trafficking was also arrested in Spain at the time. Boyko Borissov, then still chief secretary of the Interior Ministry, directly linked Dishliev’s death to the smashed drug group in the Pyrenees. Investigative hours after the murder have been transferred through company accounts of Konstantin Dishliev and an offshore company in Cyprus to a Spanish drug organization for a cartel in Venezuela. Then, for the first time in the public space, the name of Evelin Banev, who is a badjanak with Dishliev, appeared – they are married to two sisters. Later, Brendo, his wife and her sister will be prosecuted for years for this crime.

The bullets hit Dishliev on 11 August Street in Sofia as he unlocked his jeepafter having dinner with his wife in a restaurant in Sofia. Three of them fall into the victim’s head, several more – in the body. Forensic scientists learned from the beginning that a few months earlier Konstantin had a quarrel with his badger Brendo and began to fear for his life. He shares the reason for the scandal and his fears with his mother Yordanka Zapryanova, which will later cost her her life.

After losing her son, the woman is completely desperate, but at first decides not to testify against Banev. The rift is believed to have been caused by several millions invested at sea, under investigation by the then Financial Intelligence Agency, which later became part of SANS. The agents are convinced that Dishliev’s company “Private Finance Union”, in which Brando is a driver, cannot prove not only the amounts invested in our country, but also the availability of 4 million euros in its company bank accounts in Spain, Italy, Austria and Switzerland.

Investigators do not rule out that the motive for the shooting was related either to large sums that Constantine misappropriated, or to his threat to Brando to speak out and threaten drug channels.

Two years after Dishliev’s death, bullets hit his mother, Yordanka Zapryanova. The body of the 50-year-old woman was found in an apartment on Gorski Patnik Street in the Lozenets district of Sofia. The next day, Zapryanova was due to testify against Brendo, and it was thought she would then make full revelations about who was behind her son’s murder. Although she did not share her fears, Zapryanova appeared at a previous interrogation with a private bodyguard. At the same time, Brendo was behind bars, but even then the cops said that it was not a problem for him to order the removal of the witness from the cell. But no evidence was found.
According to Brando’s acquaintances, he is extremely smart and cunning, has never carried a mobile phone and has made everyone remove their batteries when they meet him.

The murders that froze the blood of the Bulgarians in recent years (REFERENCE)

Brando invests the money from drug trafficking in real estate through fictitious persons. He is believed to have financed one of the largest illegal cigarette factories in the Balkans, with the assembly line mounted on a ship orbiting the Mediterranean. Legend has it that the holds produced 300 master boxes of counterfeit cigarettes a day, which were secretly unloaded throughout southern Europe. The annual profit from this smuggling alone exceeded 150 million euros.

After Brando was detained near Kiev, police claim that the Bulgarian has had a joint drug business with Ukrainians for years. Anti-mafia members believe that Brendo is behind the shipment of 1.2 tons of cocaine seized in Ukraine on July 29, 2010. The shipment was accompanied by Ukrainians, a German and two Bulgarians – the infamous arms dealer Petar Sinapov and his son Kiril. The consignment of 1,200 packages of about 1 kg was hidden in welded pipes in blast furnaces, bought in Chile and loaded on the ship “San Famando”. Sinapov Sr. was sentenced to 8 years in prison, which he served in a prison in Odessa.

Because of an arrested fellow citizen of Banev
He was linked to the 327kg of cocaine in Student City

Brando’s name was linked to a shipment of cocaine found in late May 2020 in Student City. Two people were detained – Nikolay Petrov, in whose apartment 327 kg were found. and the invalid Manol Nikolov, who was detained in a warehouse in the village of Gorni Bogrov. Both have not been criminally exposed and convicted. Nikolov is from Topolovgrad – Brendo’s birthplace and this has sparked rumors that the two may be related. Moreover, Manol is friends with the brothers of Georgi Semerdzhiev-Joro Shopa, juicy for the right hand of Evelin Banev. On some of the presses with cocaine, the anti-mafia found signs “ace spatia”, as they were found in Nikolov’s notebook, written in his handwriting.

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