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Anthony Mackie (Disney +) didn’t want to become Captain America!

Speaking of Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney +, Anthony Mackie talked about his “takeover” as Captain America

Series Falcon and the Winter Soldier offered the last episode its first season not long ago. Series Disney+ was very successful. Fans wishing to know who would take back Captain America’s shield. However, Anthony Mackie was not “really hot” at the start.

Taking back the shield is a heavy burden

Steve Rogers is not the one who wants to. And Sam Wilson knows this more than anyone. Whoever has shared Captain America’s life during several MCU films is in the best position to say so. However, taking up the torch was offered to him before the filming of the series.

Thing that the actor of the series Disney+ had a hard time accepting. Furthermore, this idea was not the first to arrive in the mind Anthony Mackie reading the script. Because yes, if you did not know, Steve Rogers is no more.

The latter “leaving its place” at the end ofAvengers Endgame. After living the life he had always dreamed of with his muse, going back to the past. As a result, Sam or Bucky had to take over. On this subject, the main actor explained, as relayed TV-Leisure :

« We didn’t talk about the fact that [Sam Wilson prenne le bouclier] when we received the script. It was more about who Sam or Bucky was going to get the shield ”. He would have liked not to take his friend’s place.

Indeed, he admits to having “Hated the idea” upon learning that his character would inherit it. This could also be felt at the end ofEndgame. An end during which Sam refuses the present offered by Captain America. The latter, having made the choice to bow out.

For those who forgot, remember he was telling Steve Rogers: « I have the feeling that it belongs to someone else … I feel that it belongs to you ”. A way of making it known, for the actor of Disney+, that he didn’t feel ready.

Anthony Mackie (Disney +) didn’t want to become Captain America!

Anthony Mackie or Disney + ‘s new Captain America

As a result, he was not at all looking forward to becoming America’s new hero. This is in any case what he let understand in the rest of his interview. Explaining about it: « so at no time was i excited or impatient at the idea of ​​becoming a Captain ”.

However, the “dads” ofEndgame hadn’t planned anything as to the follow-up they were going to give to the US superhero. Even when they thought about the show Disney+. Kevin Feige and Nate Moore, still making it known that a new Captain was about to emerge.

This does not ensure, in spite of everything, that Sam or Bucky take over. The series was a great success for its first season certainly. But Anthony Mackie assures us that he felt “cold” at the end of his interview:

“I was really confused… I didn’t want to either. Really I hated the idea. I thought it was going to be a serious idea. I don’t want to be a 55 year old Captain America. So I have six to eight good years ahead of me. “

So it remains to know if he will take over one more moment in the series Disney+. Or if the shield will once again change hands over the seasons. Unfortunately, on this point, only the future will be able to tell us.