Home ยป today ยป Business ยป Antam’s price of 24 carat gold fell Rp. 4,000 per gram today, Monday, August 24, 2020

Antam’s price of 24 carat gold fell Rp. 4,000 per gram today, Monday, August 24, 2020

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The price of Antam’s 24 carat gold, released by Logam Mulia, PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM), fell by IDR 4,000 per gram on Monday (24/8).

The following is a table of Antam’s gold price in other denominations, excluding tax.

Antam’s Gold Price
Size (gram) Price (24/8) Price (23/8) Change
0.5 541.500 543.500 -0,37
1 1.023.000 1.027.000 -0,39
2 1.986.000 1.994.000 -0,40
3 2.954.000 2.966.000 -0,40
5 4.895.000 4.915.000 -0,41
10 9.725.000 9.765.000 -0,41
25 24.187.000 24.287.000 -0,41
50 48.295.000 48.495.000 -0,41
100 96.512.000 96.912.000 -0,41

Source: Precious Metals

Quoting the Logam Mulia website, the price for the fraction of 1 gram of Antam’s gold on Monday (24/8) was at Rp 1,023,000 per gram. Antam’s gold price fell by Rp. 4,000 per gram from Sunday (23/8) at Rp. 1,027,000.

Meanwhile, Antam’s gold buyback price was Rp 919,000.

When viewed from 7 days ago (17 August 2020), Antam’s gold price fell by IDR-7,000 per gram from the previous price of IDR 1,030,000.

At the Precious Metal Gold Boutique – Pulo Gadung, Jakarta, the price of 0.5 gram gold is IDR 541,500. The gold price of 2 grams and 5 grams, respectively, is IDR 1,986,000 and IDR 4,895,000.

Logam Mulia Antam sells gold and silver bars in various weight sizes (for example 1 gram, 2 gram, and 500 gram).

Usually, the price per gram of Antam gold will differ depending on the weight of the bar. This difference occurred because there was an additional cost for printing, so the price per gram of Antam gold bars was more expensive than the larger bars.

Antam’s Gold Price History Table

Antam’s Gold Price History is 1 Gram
Price (24/8) Price (23/8) % Price (17/8) Percentage Pricing (24/7) %
1.023.000 1.027.000 -0,39 1.030.000 -0,68 984.000 3,96

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