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Answering the Mystery of the Rape Victim’s Mother of 2 Boys in Padang, Following are the Neighbors’ Statements

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PADANG – A two-story house looks shabby among several houses. Some of the roofs and roof tiles of the house have been removed. In front of the house there are dozens of flower pots, but the soil is dry, a sign that it has not been watered for a long time.

At home this is the case rape against two minors occurred. The depraved perpetrators amounted to 7 people and 5 of them were the victim’s own family.

The seven perpetrators were Grandpa, Mamak (younger brother of the victim’s mother), 2 brothers and cousins ​​of the victim. The other two were neighbors of the victim.

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Then what about the victim’s mother? Readers may have the same question. Because since the beginning this coverage appeared in various media, the victim’s mother was not talked about much. However, both victims are minors.

On Thursday, 18 November 2021 Bow field along with several journalists from the media at field came to meet the residents around the victim’s house to dig further.

We met with Desi, one of the residents who brought the child to the Polresta field to report the perpetrators rape.

Apart from Desi, there were also several neighbors and local RW Chairman Zainal. We discussed and obtained a number of statements from residents about the Mother of the Victim.

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How Was This Case Revealed?

Previously, how this case was revealed, was explained by Desi. According to Desi, she is not the first person to know that the victim was raped by several members of her own family.

“Earlier these children accidentally said they were raped. At that time one of the rapists came, then this Mawar said while scared ‘Ndeh, tibo lo paja anjiang ko baliak‘”Desi told us.

“One of Ms. L’s neighbors heard that and was shocked. She asked, ‘How come you’re not?‘ This rose answered ‘You raped the jasmine patangko ‘” Desi story.

Also Read: Residents Evict Families Who Become Perpetrators of Group Rape of 2 Children in Padang

“After that, Mrs. L told me. Finally we took the two children and questioned them. From there it was revealed that they were raped by Grandpa, Brother, Mamak, Cousin and their neighbors,” said Desi.

From there, Desi and her neighbors took the two victims to the RT and RW houses and then took them to the Police field to report the crimes of the perpetrators.

According to Desi’s narrative, the night when people reported to the Polresta field The victim’s mother came to the Police.

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“The mother came to the police station that night. She even stopped us residents who wanted to report this incident to the police and thought her son was making it up so that one of the perpetrators who was the mother’s father was not arrested,” explained Desi.

“He even told me that his son digressed because he had fallen from the 2nd floor of his house,” continued Desi.

Where is the victim’s mother?

However, according to Desi and other neighbors, the victim’s mother did not live in the house.

“She lives with her husband, but not the victim’s father. But we also don’t know where he lives, we never said either,” said Desi.

Zainal as the head of the local RW also said the same thing.

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“The victim’s mother rarely comes here, she lives in another place with her husband but not the victim’s father. The victim’s mother knows that her child was raped,” said the head of the RW, Zainal.

Finally, the information published by langgam.id, even the victim’s mother refused to give information to the police. In fact, his two children are victims in this case.

“We have called the victim’s mother. But the victim’s mother refused to provide information,” said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit at the Police field, Rico Fernanda as quoted from langgam.id.

We tried to find out more about the victim’s mother, but the neighbors did not know where the victim’s mother lived and worked.

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The Victim’s Family Rarely Associates with the Community

According to Zainal, the family rarely interacts with the community. Even impressed closed and withdrawn.

“They are not even involved with community activities. They even bring more problems,” said Zainal.

Another neighbor who did not want to be named said they were uncomfortable with the behavior of the family who lived in the two-story house.

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“Those nights they are often noisy. They say dirty words. I’m uncomfortable but I can’t do anything about it,” he said.

When we arrived, the residents had compiled a jointly signed letter stating that they refused the perpetrators to stay in the place.

This case is still under development by Polresta field. The two perpetrators are currently being assisted by KPAI to recover physically and psychologically.

Readers can continue to monitor this case by following its developments through the articles we publish. The whole article about this case can CLICK HERE.

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