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“ANSES Offers Credit Line of Up to 240,000 Pesos for Retirees and Pensioners”

The National Social Security Administration (ANSES) offers a credit line of up to 240,000 pesos for retirees, pensioners, and holders of more pension benefits.

The requirements to access the ANSES credit

Residing in the country and being under 92 years of age at the time of completion are the basic requirements to manage the credit application.

In that context, Florence Markian, social security lawyer, in dialogue with reprofile, He maintained: “Personally, at any ANSES office, although it can also be done from the web page.”

For that, they will need: the number of the CBU, that is, from the account in which they receive retirement, or pension. And the last copy of ID where the procedure number appears.

An important point to note is that the loan has a limit on the amountwhich will be subject to what they “perceive monthly”.

To start the process The ID will be required, and a CBU of your own account. The amount of the credit goes from five thousand to 240,000 pesos, in 24, 36 or 48 installments.

The fee cannot exceed 30% of monthly income, For this reason, before requesting the credit, the fee can be simulated by entering My Anses.

For that, you can request a prior shift to be attended at an agency office or you can request through the page.

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2023-05-31 14:24:58
#Anses #access #credits

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