Home » News » Another video? This is why Luna Bella and the CDMX Metro are trending today, August 21

Another video? This is why Luna Bella and the CDMX Metro are trending today, August 21

Luna Bella filmed a sex video in the subway. | Cover: Jovany Pérez.

It will take a long time for social media users to dissociate Beautiful Moon of the Mexico City Metro. Last July, the digital and adult content creator recorded an explicit video in wagons of the Mass Transportation SystemThis sparked a debate on social media about setting limits on YouTubers and TikTokers, and forced the capital’s authorities to reinforce surveillance on the 12 lines that make up the mobility network.

Veronica Melendes Coronadobetter known as Beautiful Moon Womanmade headlines and dominated the conversation for a week. In ‘X’ several videos of the actress having sexual encounters with the active police officer and actor were widely disseminated Jorge Lopezalias ‘Mr. Indomitable’.

In response to media interest, the official account of the CDMX Metro issued a statement of tolerance for freedom of expression, but with limits, in addition to the reinforcement of security measures:

“The Metro respects freedom of expression, however, it strongly disapproves of the use of its facilities to generate popularity for private accounts. Likewise, surveillance and patrols on trains are reinforced, mainly at night, in order to prevent any anomaly.”

For her part, actress Luna Bella ironized about the controversy during a podcast, where she assured that “What no one has achieved in years, I have achieved with a little bit”.

X users turned Luna bella into the main trend on the social network. (X)

One month after the incident, Luna Bella is trending again on ‘X’, although this time it plays a secondary role. On the afternoon of August 20, Mexico City Public Security police arrested and brought before a civic judge two employees of a telephone company for having sexual relations in their workplace.

The differences in the actions of the authorities recalled the “impunity” that prevailed in the Luna Bella case. However, the actress became a trending topic on the social network mainly due to memes and humorous comments about the new incident.

Another group of users recalled the limitations of the Mexico City Mobility Law to inhibit such behavior.

The arrest of a couple who had sex on the Mexico City subway brought to mind the case of Luna Bella, an actress who recorded erotic content in one of the cars. (@lunnabeella, @HalconOnce)

While it is true that the Mexico City Mobility Law does not provide for sanctions, these acts are contemplated in the Mexico City Civic Culture Law. Article 30 establishes penalties for actions that threaten the dignity, tranquility or security of citizens.

Based on the article and the value of the Measurement and Update Unit (UMA), the maximum fine for incurring in this violation amounts to $1,085.7.

However, for the charge to proceed, it is essential that a third party files a complaint alleging harassment or assault. This regulation applies in this case, since the Metro, being a means of public transport, is considered a public space similar to parks or squares.

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