El Al has designed a boarding pass with a new design on the back of which are printed the messages ‘We are waiting for you at home’ and BringThemHome#. This is as part of the company’s support and assistance in the activities of the headquarters of the families of the abductees.
Earlier this month, the company established a dedicated organization led by Yarom Vadish, senior vice president of sales and tourism at El Al, to support activities that help the abductees’ headquarters with an emphasis on flying family relatives and their representatives to various countries around the world. So far, El Al has flown dozens of family representatives to organized activities on behalf of the headquarters of the families of the abductees, including to North America and European capitals, including Paris, Madrid, Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen and Amsterdam.
In this framework, the representatives of the families met with senior officials in the governments, in the OECD, in the Jewish communities in UNESCO and with other senior officials and held meetings with journalists to increase media resonance and raise awareness to promote the release of the abductees.
In addition, El Al is launching the project “Illuminate the World” in which everyone is invited to join the heads of society in lighting the first candle of Hanukkah, each and every one of them in their homes. The project will be the first long candle lighting in the world from Australia to Los Angeles with the participation of the children of the Otaf and Jews around the world.