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Another three-week lockdown: will that help?

Supermarkets and bars must close at 8 p.m. from tomorrow, and the cabinet again advises working from home and not receiving more than four people to visit.

These measures are ‘pretty robust’, says virologist Gorben Pijlman of Wageningen University, but they are also much needed.

“If you see how busy it is, for example on the road, then the whole society seems open again. You cannot deny the problem in healthcare, there just has to be a solution. So hopefully this will help. will make a big difference if people start working at home again.

Celebrating Christmas together

“The most effect can still be achieved by continuing to vaccinate people. But to put an end to this outbreak quickly and briefly, you have to do something else. That is why it is wise for the government to intervene firmly now. Take significant measures now, can ensure that we may be able to celebrate Christmas together again later.”

According to psychologist Gijs Coppens, founder of online care platform OpenUp, many people will show understanding for the new measures. “We accept it, because we understand that it is necessary to relieve care. But it is really a blow that we now end up in a lockdown again. Many people, especially young people, had a really hard time during the previous lockdown. “


“It’s just a downer,” says Coppens. “A lot of people have contributed and are vaccinated, usually not for themselves but for the group. That suddenly turns out to be insufficient. People can feel quite despondent because of this: will it ever be possible to get out of the corona crisis? “

Previous lockdowns had to be extended every time. That also has a negative effect on people, says Coppens: “I hope that it really stays at three weeks, and the cabinet does not make another promise that will be broken again in two weeks.”

Virologist Pijlman is hopeful that a short lockdown of three weeks will have an effect, but then we have to stick to those measures: “If the rules are strict, but people implement it weakly, then it won’t make any progress. Then the government has to come up with more rules. So people really have to work from home and not come together with many people. That way we can contribute ourselves.”

Perspective needed

According to Gijs Coppens, it is important that the cabinet offers a new perspective: “Vaccination has been presented all the time as the way out of the crisis. And people have been vaccinated en masse. But it is still not enough. That leads to frustration. help?”

Coppens: “The cabinet must not only come up with a plan for the next three weeks, but also for the long term. For example by increasing the care capacity. If there is such a clear plan, it is easier to follow the rules, because you know what you’re doing it for.”

Can the virologist offer some hope? Pijlman: “Ultimately we come to the situation where everyone has been vaccinated or has been infected, and is therefore immune. Then the virus will rarely lead to serious illness. Hopefully that will be early next year, but I don’t have a crystal ball. It would really help if as many people as possible get a shot in the meantime.”

Verrassing in petto

The virologist does not hesitate: “This virus always has a surprise in store. I did not see this peak coming either. I am really surprised that, despite the high vaccination rate, we still have such an outbreak. Apparently we thought too positively about the effect of the vaccinations. They help very well against serious illness and hospitalization and also have an effect on the spread, but that effect is not one hundred percent.”

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