Home » today » Business » Another theft of cryptocurrencies. In the last week, hackers have stolen 15 billion crowns

Another theft of cryptocurrencies. In the last week, hackers have stolen 15 billion crowns

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| Photo: assembly: Pavel Kasík, Technet.cz

In response to the onslaught of hackers, Liquid suspended all withdrawals and cryptocurrency deposits and investigates the attack. The stock exchange informed about it on its Twitter and stated that the perpetrator of the virtual currency had stolen from the software wallets.

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So far, the stock exchange has managed to find nine addresses where the stolen digital currencies went after the attack. After the attack, Liquid exchange representatives moved the remaining cryptocurrencies from software wallets to hardware wallets, from which, according to experts, it is almost impossible to steal virtual currencies. They are not connected to the Internet. However, affected clients of the Japanese stock exchange will most likely lose the already stolen cryptocurrencies.

Liquid has promised on its twitter account that it will keep the public informed about the progress of the investigation. Many other exchange offices have blacklisted the hacker’s addresses in response to the attack.

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In terms of daily volume, Liquid is one of the twenty largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. It has been providing services to several million people in more than a hundred countries since 2014.

Last week, the cryptocurrency platform Poly Network ran into even bigger problems, losing cryptocurrencies for about $ 610 million. However, the perpetrator later returned almost all the stolen cryptocurrencies. The Poly Network exchange office subsequently offered the hacker the position of the highest security consultant in the company.

The number of hacker attacks on decentralized financial networks has been rising recently. The attacks surpassed the theft of bitcoins from the Tokyo Stock Exchange Coincheck. In 2018, hackers stole cryptocurrencies worth 11.5 billion crowns.

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