Home » today » News » Another shock! Gasoline price by neighborhood – 2024-02-13 21:32:12

Another shock! Gasoline price by neighborhood – 2024-02-13 21:32:12

A new shock on the fuel market. It turned out that gasoline prices vary according to the neighborhoods in Sofia where the gas stations are located. And they depend on the solvency of the people living in them.

Gas stations from the same chain in Sofia, for example, offer fuel with a price range of 3-4-5 cents. The data indicate that a large chain sells gasoline and diesel in gas stations. “Druzhba” much cheaper than at its site in the city center. “Youth”.

Regardless of crude oil quotations on world markets, in Bulgaria there is already a permanent tendency to increase retail prices at gas stations.

Since the beginning of the year, the increase for A95 gasoline has been 6-7 cents per liter, while for diesel it has been as much as 10 cents, according to the data of the specialized fuelo.net platform, which monitors fuel prices at home and abroad in real time, reported “Telegraph”

However, prices vary widely depending on where you live and where you charge from. At one of the largest chains, the comparison shows that in just one month – from January 12 to February 11 this year, gasoline and diesel have risen in price by almost 20 cents per liter. To a large extent, prices also depend on solvent demand.

The same applies to gas stations that are on highways. Prices are generally higher there.

Propane-butane has seen the smallest change in prices since the beginning of the year. We started with BGN 1.25, and on February 11 a minimal increase to BGN 1.27/l was registered.

The trend for methane is exactly the opposite of that for gasoline and diesel. If on January 1 it cost BGN 2.43/kg, then yesterday, February 11, its average price was BGN 2.32/kg.

On February 11, 2024, the cheapest A95 gasoline in our country cost BGN 2.33/l, and the most expensive – BGN 2.87/l. Diesel went from BGN 2.47 to BGN 2.96/l at the various sites.

Bulgaria currently has the lowest gasoline prices in the European Union. The record holder is the Netherlands with BGN 3.98/l. In Germany it is BGN 3.50, in Greece – BGN 3.63, in Denmark – BGN 3.73, and in Belgium – BGN 3.27. It is important to take into account the purchasing power in different countries in these comparisons . Then it will turn out that our fuel is one of the most expensive in the EU.

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