Home » Business » Another myth spread by opponents of electric cars has been busted. Overloading and collapses of energy networks are nonsense – EnergoZrouti.cz

Another myth spread by opponents of electric cars has been busted. Overloading and collapses of energy networks are nonsense – EnergoZrouti.cz

Hundreds of thousands or millions of electric cars connected to the energy grid can only bring one thing – inevitable overload and collapse of the energy grid. Exactly such a myth is one of the most popular among opponents of the transition to electromobility, which, however, is already inevitably underway. According to research by a renowned company, even a billion electric cars are still safe for the energy grid.

One billion is the estimated number of all motor vehicles in use worldwide. The researchers thus set themselves the goal of finding out what a billion electric vehicles would do to the energy grid and how much electricity would actually be needed to drive them.

Research Bloomberg New Energy Finance (NEF) estimates that the number of electric cars should increase dramatically in the coming decades, which is also shown by the findings of other companies. According to NEF, it should do so by 2040 to add 730 million to one billion electric cars worldwidewhich of course raises the question of how all these electric cars will be charged and whether the energy grids can withstand their charging.

But according to Colin McKerracher, an expert from Bloomberg, whose founder is the former mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, the demand for electricity for all new electric cars should not be drastic. The overall increase in demand for electric energy for personal electric cars would have a demand for electricity in energy networks
increase by only about nine percent. If trucks and electric buses also powered by energy stored in batteries were added to passenger cars, the increase would be about 15 percent.

However, it is necessary to add that in the coming decades, according to estimates, there will also be drastic changes in energy networks, which will probably not be as centralized as they are at present. More and more companies and households will charge their vehicles mainly from solar energy produced and stored in their own homes. In this way, the demand for energy from the distribution network will also be reduced, and it will also be able to withstand ever-increasing consumption of electricity.

The fact that Bloomberg’s numbers are valid according to McKerracher also shows example of Norway. Today, the majority of passenger vehicles sold there are electric cars, which results in the fact that some companies, including the European concern Volkswagen, plan to sell only their electric models there soon.

However, the distribution network in Norway remains stable even with the rapid development of electromobility. Although almost every fifth resident of Norway uses an electric car, the total consumption of electricity in the country increased by only 1.4 percent.

2023-11-26 13:18:11
#myth #spread #opponents #electric #cars #busted #Overloading #collapses #energy #networks #nonsense #EnergoZrouti.cz

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