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Another man seriously injured in knife attack – scary parallel

In Berlin, a man was seriously injured in a knife attack. The blade hit him in the neck. The victim lost a lot of blood as a result of the attack.

On Friday evening, a man is said to have stabbed another man in the neck with a so-called cutter knife in the capital. The Berlin police confirmed the incident on Zwiestädter Straße in Berlin-Neukölln after a reporter had previously reported on the scene.

According to the reporter, the victim lost a lot of blood from the knife attack. He was able to drag himself to nearby Böhmische Straße. There, the attacked man collapsed in front of a restaurant. Witnesses initially took care of him. Emergency services were then called and took over his medical care. The injured man was transported to a hospital by ambulance for emergency surgery. His life is said to be in critical condition.

He had to be resuscitated before an emergency operation could be carried out, the police said. The 39-year-old attacker fled undetected after the crime. However, he later turned himself in at a police station. He had the suspected murder weapon with him. He was taken into custody. He was brought before a judge there at midday.

According to the police, another attack occurred just a short time later. An altercation broke out at Leopoldplatz in Berlin-Wedding, the police said. A group of around 15 to 30 people attacked five men with tear gas, stones and beer bottles. One man was injured in the head by a beer bottle.

The people attacked suffered irritation of the respiratory tract and skin abrasions. A 33-year-old also suffered a broken nose and bruises on his face. A 37-year-old later noticed a stab wound on his shoulder.

In this case too, the victim had to be taken to hospital with serious injuries.

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