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Another Harry Potter actor dug into Rowling for sexual minorities

Rankin, who portrayed the annoying Gryffindor Prefect Percy Weasley in six Harry Potter films, called Rowling’s attitude toward transgender people “harmful.”

“I work a lot with organizations that focus on supporting the LGBTQ + community. In addition, many members of my own family belong to this community, so it is probably clear which side of the barricade I stand on, “the British actor told the Eastern Daily Press.

“When a transsexual says he’s a man or a woman, we should treat him accordingly,” says the actor, who has joined critics of the writer’s attitudes.

Rowling, 56, faces accusations of transphobia after she shared an article on social media in June 2020 entitled “Opinion: How to create a fairer post-covid world for menstruating people.”

The author was clearly amused by the topic. “People who menstruate. I’m sure there used to be such a word for these people: Help me. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? ”She wrote in a comment, alluding to the English word woman.

“I recognize the right of every trans-person to live as it is authentic and comfortable for them. I would march with you if someone discriminated against you on the grounds that you were a trans. But at the same time, my life was determined by being a woman. I don’t think it’s hate to say that, “she said later.

Since then, Rowling has fallen out of favor with many, as evidenced by the fact that in the new show, where fans of the wizard with a scar on their head learn all about how Potter was filmed, the author of this character will not appear.

On the other hand, there will be actors Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), who started their film careers together 20 years ago.

They have also criticized the writer’s attitudes in the past, or at least indicated that they did not share them. Watson, for example, shared a message on her Twitter account last year that was supported by trans-people. The contribution received 928 thousand “likes”.

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