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another gun attack, now against a TV channel

As for the facts, the attacker left an anti-drug message to Esteban Alvarado, Claudio Javier Morocho Mansilla and Alan and Lamparita Funes in which he warned: “Stop working with prosecutors because every day we will kill a policeman. Just confine the children to the pavilions. You don’t mess with the mafia”.

The entire sequence of the attack was captured by security cameras and it can be seen how the attacker, covered by a motorcycle helmet, appears in front of the multimedia, starts shooting and then escapes in a gray Volkswagen Up .

The attack occurred in the mid to early hours of Monday when there was not a continuous stream of security personnel and people on the street, so no injuries were reported. Canal 3, Radio 2, FM Vida, Frecuencia Plus and Rosario3 operate in the same building.

“There is a distance of about 60 meters between the gates where the attack took place and the building where the media works. TVL expresses its concern for this attack on a means of communication as well as for the situation in general that is going through the city of Rosario, where violence imposes its codes and complicates the daily life of the people who live there”. a station statement .

At first instance, the case fell to the Flagancia prosecutor’s unit, but a few hours later it was transferred to the prosecutor Federico Rébola of the Ministry of Public Prosecution’s shooting unit.

Months ago, Rosario Telefé Channel also received a threat from a group of drug traffickers in which they expressed: “To all Rosario media, stop littering and condemning the kids with your tongue because we will kill journalists. Don’t mess with the mafia. If not caravan with the Noba”.

The method has already become mainstream and they too have been targeted by attacks from court buildings to restaurants.


After the attack, the mayor of Rosario, Pablo Javkin, of the Progressive Front, asked to be able to “organize the forces in his territory” and asked that his city be given “the tools to defend itself”.

He also called for “concrete action” from the provincial security ministry.

Meanwhile, he indicated that he had contacted the Minister of National Security, Alberto Fernández.

“They pass, shoot and leave. Without persecution, with impunity. Wherever it is, they don’t care anymore. Let me organize forces in the territory. Give Rosario the tools to defend himself once and for all,” Javkin wrote on his Twitter account.

For its part, Perotti’s provincial council also repudiated the facts through the security portfolio led by Rubén Rimoldi.

“The Ministry of Security of the province of Santa Fe, after the event that occurred after midnight this Monday at the facilities of Televisión Litoral SA, in which a person shot at the entrance to the multimedia and left an intimidating note, reiterates the its full support for the work of the forces of order, victims of the cowardly threat”, indicates the letter from the provincial administration.

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