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Another explosion in Antwerp: grenade explodes in the street in … (Deurne)



Last night a grenade detonated again in Deurne. This happened at the intersection of De Gryspeerstraat and Ten Eekhovelei, near the Sportpaleis. The explosive went off on the street. There were no injuries.

READ ALSO: Three violent incidents in one weekend: public prosecutor’s office investigates link with drug environment

The Antwerp police came to the scene and set up a perimeter. “The explosion took place around 3.05 am in De Gryspeerstraat in Deurne,” confirms Sven Lommaert of the Antwerp police. “The grenade was thrown into the porch of a former pharmacy, but rolled back onto the street and only then exploded. No one was injured, ”he says. Demining service Dovo and the forensic lab came to the scene.

It would seem that not the pharmacy, but another house was the target of the grenade attack on De Gryspeerstraat. In one of the adjoining buildings lives someone of the El B. family, a family that has been the victim of suspected drug-related violence several times before.

Fourth incident

The incident is the fourth violent incident this weekend. Sunday morning in Borgerhout a grenade exploded under a parked car, while the day before a house was fired at around the corner. It is not yet clear whether this new explosion can be linked to the previous incidents or to the drug environment.

In Deurne, an explosion also took place in Kerkhofweg on Saturday night. There, a front door of a rental house was completely destroyed, but there was no grenade detonation. According to local residents, there have been problems with loitering youths for some time.








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