Ray Energy is thus already several energy suppliers who have announced the termination of their activities since mid-October. After Bohemia Energy, which supplied energy to about 900,000 clients, Kolibřík energie also ended up with 28,000 clients and the company A-PLUS Energie with 150 consumption points.
According to OTE, Ray Energy supplied electricity to 2,498 customers and gas to 478 customers, making it one of the smaller suppliers. The market operator received a notice of termination of supply from the company on Tuesday at 15:40. Deliveries will be started to customers by the supplier of last resort, so they will not be left without energy. Deliveries will be provided by the dominant supplier in the region.
In the case of electricity supplies, the suppliers of last resort are currently, depending on the specific region, E.ON Energie (southern part of the Czech Republic), Pražská energetika (Prague and the surrounding area) and ČEZ Prodej (central and northern Czech Republic). For gas, E.ON Energie (South Bohemian Region), Pražská plynárenská (Prague and the surrounding area) and innogy Energie (rest of the Czech Republic).
Stanislav Trávníček, Chairman of the Board of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO), said on Tuesday that the transition to standard products will pay off for most high-consumption customers. CNN Prima News stated on its website that Ray Energy’s customers will be contacted by SPP CZ, and that it should send an offer by Friday and then arrange for the transfer of the supply point.
As a subsidiary of SPP, SPP falls under the largest Slovak energy supplier Slovenské plynárenského priemysel, as The SPP Group supplies natural gas to more than 1.3 million customers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, from households to large customers. According to OTE data, SPP in the Czech Republic supplies electricity to 2,707 customers and gas to 16,820 customers.