Home » today » Entertainment » Another couple left “Dance with a Star”: there was no shortage of surprises during the evening, the former participants of the project stepped on the parquet unexpectedly.

Another couple left “Dance with a Star”: there was no shortage of surprises during the evening, the former participants of the project stepped on the parquet unexpectedly.

This Saturday, we saw eight pairs of performances on the dance floor that needed the support of the audience – just like every Saturday, the sum of the commissions and the audience left one project. This time the actress ran out of scores Aleksandras Metalnikovs and Audrius Kleišimantas.

As every weekend, eight couples introduced new dances, and at the end of the evening, two musical surprises awaited the audience.

Soprano Jomantė Šležaitė-Paukštė and Rafal Narkevič, rider, advertising specialist, brand creator Roberta Orlauskaitė and Gedvinas Meškauskas, actress Paulina Taujanskaitė and Rolandas Beržinis, singer competed for the survival of the sixth edition and waited for the support of the audience. Jurgis Brūzga and Katerina Voropaj.

Choreographer Marijanas Staniulėnas and Ieva Brigita Riepšaitė, actress also tested their strength on the dance floor. Alexandra Metalnikova and Audrius Kleišmantas, performer Norbert Liatkovsky (Norbe) and Viktorija Šeinker, host of the LRT program “To Health”, sports coach Alan Dzeranova and Eglė Bertulytė.

At the end of the evening, two surprises awaited the audience. Performer Monika Linkytė He performed the song “Always Near” on the stage “Dance with a Star”. The return of Asta Pilypaitė, a participant of this year’s project, on the dance floor was also waiting for the audience – the singer prepared the song “Night Train” for the fans. Having started the project as a favorite, the performer Asta Pilypaitė and Edwin Belousov finished his trip on the fourth edition, lacking audience support.

Couples’ performances are always watched, evaluated and commented on by sports dance professionals. In the sixth dance evening, the participants were evaluated by the Vice President of the Lithuanian Sports Dance Federation, a deserving Lithuanian sports coach Virginijus Visockas, three-time European professional Latin American dance champion Justas Kučinskas and multiple champion of Lithuanian and various international dance competitions Eglė Visockaitė. As in every show, it was not just the professional commission that was important – the audience of the project was also invited to cast their vote for the couple they liked.

Delphi also invited their readers to participate in the survey, you can see the results here:


The first ones appeared on the parquet Norbert Liatkowski (Norbey) and Victoria Scheinker. They both performed a romantic foxtrot.

“It is a great pleasure to start such an adventurous dance. Norbert, congratulations on making you more responsible. Of course, there are some such criticisms in the technique, you should follow the straightest possible attitude, ”Virginijus commented.

“I would like to say that you are the intrigue of this project. I was very interested in your couple last time. I see good qualities, a plastic body, empathy, the ability to move dynamically. But I see great potential, “said Justas.

The Commission awarded the couple 22 points.

Sixth edition of “Dance with the Star” / Photo: Domanto Umbrass | LRT

In the second issue, quixstep was shown Paulina Taujanskaitė and Rolandas Beržinis.

“Paulina, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. When fear arises, something like that definitely happens. I felt like you wanted to show the mood, the character of Quixstep. What matters is how you manage your inner emotion when you make a mistake. I wish you courage and not think about mistakes – sometimes beautiful things are born from it, ”commented Eglė.

“It simply came to our notice then. The question is how much you will be able to be relaxed and run with the dance. I really enjoyed the music, ”said Justas.

“It simply came to our notice then. It is always necessary to analyze what will happen next. You have created a very great dance “, assured Virginijus.

Each of the judges scored 23 points.

Sixth edition of

Sixth edition of “Dance with the Star” / Photo: Domanto Umbrass | LRT

Third pair – Alan Dzeranova and Eglė Bertulytė – chose to perform in Vienna during the sixth broadcast. True, it had a lot of bright colors and balloons, because the dance was also aimed at small spectators.

“It simply came to our notice then. You have made excellent use of all the space, ”Justas praised.

“It simply came to our notice then. Only in the end, as if slow steps were not acceptable, some kind of dynamic was interrupted. I see the work done. It turns out that work is needed everywhere, “said Virginijus.

“You see that you have made your body listen to you. The idea of ​​dancing is very beautifully revealed “, assured Eglė.

Judges awarded Alan and Egle 25 points.

Sixth edition of

Sixth edition of “Dance with the Star” / Photo: Domanto Umbrass | LRT

The fourth appeared charismatic Jurgis Brūzga and Katerina Voropaj. The couple danced samba.

“I saw fragments of Eskimo life. Very interesting guesswork, but I missed the overall dance line. What happened in the end, I couldn’t say. The music was definitely samba, but the steps didn’t fit a bit. More body had to be used. The steps were taken as if in doubt, “Virginijus commented.

“It simply came to our notice then. I wanted to see more freedom, more body, more softer legs, ”said Eglė.

“It simply came to our notice then. Your legs are slow – Jurgi, sometimes you don’t get to the music. “Sharp music and slow feet give the impression that we are not sure what we see,” Justas said.

This time the team awarded 21 points to the couple.

Sixth edition of

Sixth edition of “Dance with the Star” / Photo: Domanto Umbrass | LRT

The fifth walked on the parquet in the rhythm of playful jazz Aleksandra Metalnikovto go Audrius Kleišmantas. The skirt, which was accidentally released during the dance, did not knock out the crayfish actress.

“We have long noticed that Aleksandra is a very brave woman, she loves tricks. But every trick requires a lot of work. By concentrating on these things, you steal time from what you should learn – dance techniques, ”said Egle.

“Your show lasted 2 minutes and 15 seconds. The competition run lasts 1 minute and 30 seconds. Physically, choosing a very big challenge. Maybe that challenge took away the quality as well, ”said Justas.

“You’ve really challenged yourself – it’s not easy to dance at this pace,” said Virginijus.

The commission awarded Alexander and Audrius 24 points.

Sixth edition of

Sixth edition of “Dance with the Star” / Photo: Domanto Umbrass | LRT

He appeared in the sixth issue of the sixth show “Dance with a Star” Jomantė Šležaitė-Paukštė and Rafal Narkevich. The couple chose an emotional tango dance.

“Jomante, you are back in your league with this dance. What we saw was very high quality. When you perform characteristic movements, you not only perform the technique, but also feel what it means. I saw certain experiences, feelings that were dictated by what you did, ”said Justas.

“It simply came to our notice then. It was an addictive dance, your state. Everything was subtle with you, you can only collect beautiful words “, assured Virginijus.

“The dancers have pits and elevations. Now I managed to jump on the highest mountain. I was fascinated by your peace, balance, sense of every movement, colors, ”Eglė praised.

The pair received as many as 29 points from the judges.

Sixth edition of

Sixth edition of “Dance with the Star” / Photo: Domanto Umbrass | LRT

The seventh stood before the commission and the audience court Robert Orlauskaite and Gedvinas Meškauskas. The couple listened to the commission’s advice and chose a more fun dance – quixstep.

“It simply came to our notice then. I’m so glad I can’t say today that you’re shrunken, not shy. Congratulations. “Everything in life is possible,” said Virginijus.

“Roberta, a smile is very appropriate for you. She warmed us up too. That was very good, “said Egle.

“You have chosen a very good genre – the musical genre. You have opened to the best of your abilities. You are very beautiful, it is a great pleasure to see you, ”Justas commented.

The Commission awarded Robert and Gedvin 28 points.

Sixth edition of

Sixth edition of “Dance with the Star” / Photo: Domanto Umbrass | LRT

The last ones – the eighth – turn on the parquet Marijanas Staniulėnas ir Ieva Brigita Riepšaitė. They both chose to dance substandard samba for the sixth show.

“It simply came to our notice then. The movements are very plastic, the legs are soft. Marijanas’ body responds very musically to the rhythm of samba, “said Eglė.

“It was the dance I wanted to watch. You want to go back to it. There were a lot of subtle things here – you told me about the relationship with your body. The choice of music surprised me, I glanced at whether samba was here. But you convinced the package, “Justas commented.

“Many dancers would not want to dance such a slow samba. It’s complicated. The music needs to be fulfilled. And here we saw the full fulfillment. Everything was in partnership. He felt the feeling, and that feeling was very beautiful, ”said Virginijus.

From the judges Marijanas and Ieva Brigita scored the maximum number of points – 30.

Sixth edition of

Sixth edition of “Dance with the Star” / Photo: Domanto Umbrass | LRT

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