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another complicated evening for Hatem Ben Arfa …

Since his arrival in Valladolid during the last winter transfer window, Hatem Ben Arfa has not really succeeded in convincing. Three small anecdotal games, for a total of 42 minutes of play, criticism of her involvement from her partners and a hype that fell as quickly as it came from the city of Castilla-Leon. Suffice to say that the Spanish adventure of the 33 year old player is far from being a success for the moment.

The continuation after this publicity

But on Friday evening, he was faced with a golden opportunity to finally restore the confidence granted by Ronaldo Nazario, the owner of the white and purple club. Sergio Gonzalez had thus decided to make rotations for the match on the lawn, and Hatem Ben Arfa celebrated his first tenure. Only the Frenchman clearly disappointed on the lawn of Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan.

First player replaced at Valladolid

If his team managed to get a good result (1-1), the former OL and OM displayed a fairly blatant lack of motivation. If it is true that the fairly defensive system of his coach does not help, it is the player trained in Lyon who collects criticism from supporters, on social networks. “All the players were level with the exception of Ben Arfa, who barely left a few details and did his job compared to his 10 teammates and especially his attacking companion, the young man trained at the Miguel de la Fuente club “, can we read about it on Brand.

“It didn’t have the desired effect, but at least it had playing time”, summarizes for its part AS, not honestly convinced by the tasteless performance of number 3. He was then replaced in the 59th minute of play, being the first player to come out on the side of the Vallisoletanos. Suffice to say thatHBA missed a great opportunity, and this match proved his coach Sergio Gonzalez, criticized by some supporters who wanted to see the French more regularly …

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