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Another Alleged Proof of Time Travel? An iPhone Found in a 353-Year-Old Painting

Another alleged proof of time travel?
An iPhone is said to be in the 353-year-old painting

Fans of art and mystery believe they have found yet another bulletproof proof that time travel is real. They saw an iPhone in a work of art from the 16th century. A heated debate immediately erupted on the Internet, with many beginning to believe that humans had already been using cell phones over 350 years ago.

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He’s holding a songbook or an iPhone

At first glance, the painting by the Dutch painter Pieter de Hooch looks quite normal and like a typical creation from the 1670s. However, upon closer examination, something strikes you. You’ll notice that the man in the foreground is holding a small mysterious object that looks like an iPhone smartphone. How is this possible, people ask?

The iPhone was introduced only recently. Specifically in 2007 at the iconic event within the Macworld conference. However, according to occultists, he appeared in public 353 years ago, thanks to time travel.

When the head of the American technology company Apple Tim Cook saw the painting in the museum there in 2016 during his trip to Amsterdam, he was so impressed that he later said at a press conference with humor: I always thought I knew who invented the iPhone, but now I I’m not even sure anymore.’

Although the description of the situation sounds unbelievable, everything has a rational explanation. The man in the picture is actually holding a prayer book or hymnal, not an Apple smartphone, although that idea is more than tempting.

Source: Wikimedia Commons / free work

Evidence of time travel?

This isn’t the first painting to confuse users enough to believe that time travel is actually possible. Another painting by Umberto Romano features a woman looking at what appears to be an iPad. In the stand, however, she probably had a clay tablet that was written on before the invention of papyrus.

Austrian artist Ferdinand George Waldmüller’s painting “Die Erwartete” (translated as The Expected) also caused a big uproar on the Internet, but even more Internet users caught the attention of a video from 1938. At first glance, there is nothing unusual about it, people are walking on the street.

However, if you focus more on the clip, you will notice a woman in a white dress walking with friends and holding something in her hand. According to Internet theorists, this is a time traveler who makes a phone call. With whom, when mobile networks didn’t exist 85 years ago, they didn’t know…

Preview photo source: Daniela Araya / Unsplash, source: Mirror

2023-10-28 13:08:59
#353yearold #picture #iPhone #confused #people #painting #caught #attention #Apple

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