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Another 26 new corona infections in the municipality of Groningen

In the municipality of Groningen, 26 people have been tested positive for the corona virus since Friday. The same number of infections was also found on Friday.

In the province of Groningen, this involves a total of 32 new infections. The largest source of fire is in the municipality of Groningen, where the number of positive cases rose from 389 to 415, an increase of 6.7 percent. The other corona infections were found in the municipalities of Het Hogeland, from 49 to 51 and the Oldambt, from 19 to 23.

If the figures are compared with the figures from last Saturday, it appears that most cases are also found in the municipality of Groningen. Last Saturday it concerned 322 cases, so now it is 415. In the municipality of Het Hogeland, 10 more cases were added, Midden-Groningen 7, Oldambt 6, Veendam 3, Delfzijl 2, Westerkwartier 1, Loppersum 1, Appingedam 1 and Westerwolde 1. In the other municipalities, the counters remained at 0.

Nationally, 1,231 positive tests were added last 24 hours. This puts the number above the signal value of 7 per 100,000 inhabitants. That is one of the limits that could be a reason for the cabinet to intervene. Six people had to be admitted to hospital, one person died.

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