Home » today » World » Another 2 local monkeypox cases! 2 males of this nationality have fever, pimples, and blisters and have no recent travel history abroad | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Another 2 local monkeypox cases! 2 males of this nationality have fever, pimples, and blisters and have no recent travel history abroad | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reporter Huang Zhongqiu / Report from Taipei

▲Two new confirmed cases of monkeypox were added today, both of which were local cases (photo/provided by CDC)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced today (1).The 6th and 7th confirmed cases of monkeypox in my country are males of their nationality in their 40s in the north and 20s in the south, respectively, and their residences are respectivelyHsinchu County and Kaohsiung Cityappeared in succession in late February due to physicalFever, prurigo, blisters, swollen lymph nodes, tongue soresAfter being evaluated by a doctor, they were tested and reported. They were confirmed positive on February 26 and 27 respectively. Two casesNo recent travel history abroaddetermined to be a local case, and is currently being treated in isolation in the hospital; a total of 25 related contacts have been listed after the epidemic investigation, and have undergone health education and self-health monitoring for 21 days.

Guo Hongwei, director of the Epidemic Center of the CDC, said that my country has listed monkeypox as a second-class legal infectious disease on June 23 last year. As of today, a total of 47 suspected cases have been reported, of which 2 were confirmed locally and 5 were imported. Cases (infected countries are 1 case in Germany, 3 cases in the United States, 1 case in Austria), and the remaining 40 cases were excluded.

Since the monkeypox outbreak broke out in the United Kingdom in mid-May last year, at least 109 countries have reported more than 86,000 confirmed cases. The number of cases is mainly distributed in the Americas (58,367 cases) and Europe (25,849 cases), of which the United States has accumulated 30,193 cases. The global total of 35.1% is the most. The recent global epidemic has slowed down, and the number of new cases is distributed mostly in the Americas (183 cases). Among neighboring countries, Japan has accumulated 22 cases, Singapore has 21 cases, and Thailand has 15 cases. In addition, South Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Hong Kong and China have also reported cases. Among them, the local epidemic in Japan has recently increased.

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) as of February 14, 2023, 96.5% of global cases are male; the median age is 34 years old, there are at least 267 cases of children under 5 years old, and the proportion of sexually transmitted infections is about 68.7% . The WHO announced on July 23 last (2022) that the monkeypox outbreak was listed as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)” and it remains so.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reminds that the transmission of monkeypox is limited. This wave of epidemics is mainly transmitted from close contacts to people. It reminds the public that when going to endemic areas or domestic high-risk sites, they should implement self-protection and avoid possible and unspecified people. High-risk areas such as social activities where people are in close contact, such as skin lesions, such as rashes, blisters, macules, maculopapules, blisters, pustules, etc., as well as fever, chills/chills, headache, muscle pain, back pain, If you have suspected symptoms such as joint pain and swollen lymph glands (such as around the ears, armpits, neck or groin), you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and actively inform the doctor of your travel history and contact history. In addition to continuing to strengthen quarantine measures at international ports and public risk communication and health education, the department has also purchased and allocated antiviral drugs and monkeypox vaccines for eligible persons, and strengthened monitoring, notification, and timely adjustment of relevant prevention and control policies.

▼To prevent monkeypox, it is recommended to do so (picture/provided by CDC)

To prevent monkeypox, it is recommended to do so (picture/provided by CDC)

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