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Another 10,179 people fall ill with coronavirus in Ukraine

Over the past day, 254 people have died from the virus and 4946 patients have recovered. Most infections per day were found in the Kharkiv region – 1155.

More than a thousand cases yesterday found in two more regions – Lviv and Dnepropetrovsk.

For the entire time of the pandemic in Ukraine, it was confirmed:

  • 1,755,888 COVID cases,
  • 1,352,139 recoveries from the virus,
  • 34,587 deaths.

Updated. This information confirmed on his Facebook page and the Minister of Health of Ukraine Maxim Stepanov.

He added new data that 3275 people were hospitalized yesterday, and 34 666 tests for coronavirus were done (in particular, by PCR – 21 963, by ELISA – 4574, studies by rapid tests for antigen to SARS-CoV-2 – 8129).

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