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Anosmia or Loss of Smell when Covid-19 is Different from Flu, Can Be Tested with This Object

TRIBUNPALU.COM – One of the fairly common symptoms experienced by infected people corona virus Covid-19 is loss of the sense of smell or anosmia.

However, the loss of smell that occurs in Covid-19 patients is unique and different from those with fever, cold, or flu.

This was explained by a researcher from Europe who studied the experiences of Covid-19 patients.

According to him, loss of smell in patients corona virus worse than the common flu.

Because Covid-19 patients do not experience nasal congestion or runny nose.

In fact, most of them could still breathe easy, it was reported BBC.

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Corona virus illustration (Freepik)

So what distinguishes it from people with colds or flu is the loss of taste from the real smell.

According to researchers in the journal Rhinology, what is meant is not a sense of fading due to loss of smell.

However, corona patients who lose their smell can not differentiate between sweet and bitter at all.

Experts suspect this is due corona virus attacks nerve cells that are directly related to the sensation of smell and taste.

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