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Anonymous declares war on conspiracy ideologist Attila Hildmann

Former TV chef Attila Hildmann describes himself as a German nationalist and sees himself as the mouthpiece of the German anti-lockdown movement. Image: keystone

Anonymous declares war on conspiracy ideologist Attila Hildmann

The hacker collective Anonymous takes on Germany’s well-known conspiracy theorist Attila Hildmann: “You declared war on Anonymous and have to live with the echo.”

Anonymous announces further actions against the former TV chef Attila Hildmann. During the Corona crisis, he changed from a vegan influencer to an anti-Semitic conspiracy ideologist who sees a campaign by elites and heads of state behind Covid-19 to decimate the population. Most recently, he has further radicalized and openly spread anti-Semitic slogans. In his public telegram channel, for example, he describes Adolf Hitler as a “blessing for Germany” compared to Angela Merkel. Jewish families are “the top corona criminals” who want to “wipe out the German race”.

With that he has spanned the bow. On Friday evening the hacker collective Anonymous Germany published this video on Twitter and threatens: “We are the monster under your bed.”

The message to Hildmann:

“Anyone who poses with arms and calls for the overthrow of democracy is not someone who wants to make a difference or is fighting for his fatherland, but a danger to the Federal Republic of Germany.”

Anonymous Germany

“Poison to society”

Hildmann feed his followers with lies and agitation. He advertises his own products to squeeze money out of gullible people. Hildmann is a poison for society. As always with Anonymous, the video ends with the motto of the Internet movement: «We don’t forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. »

The video is probably also a reaction to Hildmann’s recent statements that Anonymous is Antifa. He also repeatedly claimed that Anonymous Germany was not the “right” Anonymous. “The real Anonymous” would fight on his side against Merkel and Co. Most recently, he exposed a “bounty” of over 1,000 euros to all those who provide him with clues to the identity of the hackers.

Hildmann’s problem: The hackers have been making life difficult for him for weeks. Last they have hacked his webserver and one of his Telegram groups infiltrated. Since then, the hackers have relished publishing Internals from the chats of the conspiracy theorists. Such telegram groups are a pool for «aluminum hats», radical opponents of vaccination and nationalists.

For some time now, Hildmann has been spreading the message on his social media channels that an elite wants to decimate the population with the new corona virus. Heads of state like Angela Merkel as well as Jewish families wanted to enforce forced vaccinations with chip implants with the help of Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Genocide is therefore imminent if it does not save the world.

You live in Germany in a corona dictatorship. Hildmann therefore wants Trump to depose the German Chancellor and the government should be brought before a military court in the United States. He also hopes for help from Vladimir Putin.

For many people, the author has long been vegan cookbooks mutated into a laughing number, others take his crude conspiracy theories seriously. Radical opponents of vaccination and nationalists who share Hildmann’s ideas also take part in the corona demonstrations. Abstruse conspiracy myths migrate through channels like Telegram to platforms like YouTube, WhatsApp and Facebook, where they find an audience of millions.

Because of his radical statements, Hildmann is scrutinized by the German state security. The police investigated for “public threats of crime”.


Conspiracy theories are booming


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