Paris – (AFP)
The funeral of the star Alain Delon, one of the icons of French cinema, who died last Sunday at the age of 88, will be held on Saturday at his home in central France, according to several sources.
The actor had stated at previous levels that he wanted to be buried at his home, near his dogs, which requires permission from the government. He also requested that attendance at the funeral be limited to a few dozen of his relatives, without national honor ceremonies.
It is expected that the funeral of the actor, whose death caused a flood of tribute messages around the world, will be held at five o’clock in the afternoon in the area of Doshi Montcorpon in the Loiret region, where he spent the years of end of his life. until his death, according to “C News” and “BFMTV” channels.
Delon, known for dozens of film roles over the decades, was well-liked outside of France and was one of the most prominent icons of French cinema, but he also sparked controversy. because of his positions, which were defined as reactionary or masculine.
With his death, a golden period in the history of French cinema came to an end, which lasted between the sixties of the twentieth century and the eighties, when French films were appreciated all over the world.
Alain Delon died after the death of most of the people he loved or collaborated with, such as the actors Jean Gabin, Lino Ventura and Romy Schneider, or the Italian directors Luchino Visconti and Michelangelo Antonioni .