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Announcement, The Government Will Stop Selling Motorcycles and Cars That Use Fuel

RI Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif while giving a press statement in Jakarta, Wednesday (15/7/2020) (Source: Doc. Public Relations of EBTKE)

JAKARTA, COMPASS.TV– Don’t expect to find dealers selling oil-fueled motorcycles and gasoline-fueled cars again in Indonesia. Because all the vehicles they will sell use new and renewable energy technology drives and net zero emissions.

It all started about two decades from now. That is if the government’s plan submitted by Arifin Tarif’s Energy and Mineral Resources is actually realized.

In the plan, starting in the next three decades, the government will fully use machines that utilize new and renewable energy (EBT) and net zero emissions

According to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tarif, motorcycles that use fuel oil (BBM) will be discontinued in 2040. Also cars that use gasoline will be stopped selling for the next five years.

“Transformation towards net zero emission is our joint commitment no later than 2060,” said Arifin, quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Wednesday (12/10/2021).

In achieving the zero emission target, the government applies 5 main principles. Namely, increasing the use of NRE, reducing fossil energy, electric vehicles in the transportation sector, increasing the use of electricity in households and industry, and utilizing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

“We have prepared a roadmap for the transition to neutral energy from 2021 to 2060 with several key strategies,” said Arifin.

Also Read: Jokowi Says In 2-3 Years Electric Cars Will Begin to Appear in Indonesia

Arifin also outlined the government’s steps towards achieving the zero emission target. In 2021, the government will issue a regulation in the form of a Presidential Regulation related to EBT and retirement coal.

“There are no additional new PLTUs except those that are already under contract or are in the construction stage,” he said.

By 2022, there will be an EBT Law and the use of electric stoves for 2 million households per year. Furthermore, the construction of interconnections, smart grids and smart meters will be present in 2024 and the NRE mix will reach 23 percent, dominated by PLTS in 2025.

In 2027, the government will stop importing LNG and 42 percent of EBT will be dominated by PLTS.

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